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  1. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Mistakes were made.

    Should be fine, if they are stable genetics
  2. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Growing height low?

    I would start a grow journal bro. Follow me and I’ll follow u. It will update your followers and post to grow journals section. It is helpful to your progression as a green thumber. Nice to look back on progress...
  3. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Possible curing issues

    :blsmoke:Awesome! Yes do enjoy:bigjoint:
  4. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Please let me know about next run!

    Please let me know about next run!
  5. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Growing height low?

    Yes. Also, I’d recommend you considering a 5-7 gallon smart pot instead of a five gallon bucket. Buckets get root bound because they circle the pot. Smart pots “air prune” so the roots grow to the edge then stop. Much healthier root system, healthier plants! You really won’t regret it.
  6. GreenThumbsMcgee

    My Cannabutter

    Here’s some bho barone. This is sugar wax bho though, but u get the idea
  7. GreenThumbsMcgee

    T-5 Lighting Height and a Pest

    Florescents are pretty cool tho aren’t they? And u keep your plants what? 2-4 inches, or feet?
  8. GreenThumbsMcgee

    My Cannabutter

    :lol: Omg that’s funny dude
  9. GreenThumbsMcgee

    My Cannabutter

    :bigjoint:Ya! I always have water remaining under neath the hardened butter. I may have to try your way. I also usually go 24 hours, but again, I like what I’m seeing here, so I may have to give your way a shot! Ps, funny about you saying u had to warn your GF. Mine is same way. Floored after...
  10. GreenThumbsMcgee

    CYCO nutes

    I thought ppm and ec readings weree just different formats of the same product. I’d say don’t over think it... maybe do 750ppm and let yr plants respond. I’ve used cyco ph up, and that shit is SOOOO concentrate it’s not even funny! Been pissing money on advanced nutrients water down bullshit...
  11. GreenThumbsMcgee

    T-5 Lighting Height and a Pest

    Keep that light as close as u can. It will not benefit you in anyway to have it backed off. I have no idea on the bug.
  12. GreenThumbsMcgee

    My Cannabutter

    Ya, I’d say it’s good! Dab oil is butane hash oil. BHO. Real clean
  13. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Growing height low?

    Could probably benefit from transplant to larger pot now also.
  14. GreenThumbsMcgee

    My Cannabutter

    Looks like dab oil! Wow
  15. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Possible curing issues

    Some pics of before after? All I can say is I know you do lose water weight (obviously, it’s a drying process) So perhaps the water weight added more umph to yr buds. Just speculation. How does it smell? Is it possible you over dried? One thing i’ve learned over the years when reading these...
  16. GreenThumbsMcgee

    Wet v Dry Trimming

    Up to u man. I do a little of both. Fan leaves then smalls later
  17. GreenThumbsMcgee

    garden of green seeds green crack

    Oh I thought you had grown it in the past. Cool. Good luck Oh and Good to know about trichs. Appreciate the insight
  18. GreenThumbsMcgee

    garden of green seeds green crack

    Very good info. I’m a fan of blueberry/fruity flavors. Funny how most boost but not many hold up to description profiles. So when was that pheno primo, in your opinion?
  19. GreenThumbsMcgee

    garden of green seeds green crack

    I scored promo order from attitude awhile back, And this green crack was included as a freebie. I’ve been trying to do some research on Garden of green seeds green crack, and I can’t find any information really at all about it other than some generic grow journal on another website. I’m gonna...
  20. GreenThumbsMcgee

    2 stems 1 seed

    Little shits! Haha. Can’t live with em, can’t live without em!