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  1. see4

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    I wouldn't go that far just yet. There was an underlying issue in the crash of 2007/8, beyond inflation and market corrections. Debt and inflation are the cause of the current market volatility, and can be corrected if the right decisions are made. It is not likely the right decisions will be...
  2. see4

    Trump adds trillions to our debt

    Making America Great Again.
  3. see4

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    It's really tough to say. Bonds is a very conservative hedge. So it sounds like you are in a conservative growth fund. And it doesn't sound like you are very diversified. If you don't mind me asking, how much dependency do you have on your 401k as part of your retirement plan? How long have...
  4. see4

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    Experts who actually know what they are talking about are saying something slightly different. Regardless of the fact. Trump inherited a booming economy with a steady growth in GDP and a relatively subdued inflationary rate. He then made the entire planet lose confidence in the US dollar...
  5. see4

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    It depends how you've set up the 401k portfolio. Is it aggressive? conservative? Do you have a good mix of international and domestic funds? -- If your 401k is substantial enough, I'd suggest you talk with a financial advisor soon, market volatility is back.
  6. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    Because Fox News is offered as basic television over HD free airwaves. It includes sports and entertainment along with mostly fake news mixed in with 5 minutes of real local news. And the American education system has failed its citizens. You can thank the republican party for diverting federal...
  7. see4

    Crazy root development under QB?

    What are you using for UV?
  8. see4

    Crazy root development under QB?

    ahh. if that's the case, then yea, not so goodly on the reds. before my next grow i need to consider supplementing with some UV and deep reds. not sure what way to go with that.
  9. see4

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    ATT touted that they would be giving their employees $1000 bonuses because, "tax cuts". Internally, the news is that ATT is setting up a large round of layoffs to offset these $1000 bonuses and hedge against the foreseen impending slide in the economy. Dump the Trump.
  10. see4

    Crazy root development under QB?

    don't the 2700k have some goodly reds?
  11. see4

    What seeds are you running in 2018?

    Probably gunna run some Wifi and cross it with Fire alien romulan, and call it Far White. Then I will run some Lee Roy and some Elephant Stomper.
  12. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    This isn't going well for you NotSoMagnificent, you should walk away from this one.
  13. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    So rather than ending the debate and providing evidence to support your diatribe, you respond with a childish, "nuh uh, no you, dumby face". Stop being a non-smart.
  14. see4

    Pot consumers paying less than $7 a gram, Statistics Canada survey finds

    Nothing can stop me! I'm guessing you are younger than 25. Unless the only pot you've ever purchased has been top shelf.
  15. see4

    FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

    Stop being a non-smart.
  16. see4

    Trump's Amazing Military Parade.

    Something a Sheskunk would say:
  17. see4


    not surprised you were not able to substantiate your diatribe, but only with more diatribe.
  18. see4


    they have medicine for that, i hear naturally grown plant flowers help.