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  1. TomAce

    How far above plants to keep 400 true watts of CFL lighting?

    Yeah they are, 6 for 20 bucks, 45 watts per bulb, can't beat it!
  2. TomAce

    Seedlings are looking curled! Help!

    As Truthsurge said, the lighting appears to be inadequate and/or too far away..that's why they're reaching(tall and lanky) far as the curling, never seen that...I will say, they look too wet for seedlings and that tent looks like it can handle, maybe 2 mature plants max..
  3. TomAce

    Thoughts on TPS One nutrients

    I recently completed my first grow, the only nutrients I used was TPS One (friend recommended) aside from some seaweed supplement and molasses. Looking for professional opinions, if anyone is familiar with TPS one and can effectively compare it to other options on the market.
  4. TomAce


    2 plants in a 2x4, I'd go at least 300 watts..more watts =denser, resinous buds..
  5. TomAce


    Shoot for 100watts minimum per's my last grow in a 4x4 closet with 500watts of CFL..
  6. TomAce

    Phlizon 600 watt plus CFL will it work? check out my CFL grow for info, but you can definitely make that work
  7. TomAce

    How far above plants to keep 400 true watts of CFL lighting?
  8. TomAce

    CFL help please

    Fungus gnats are sons of bitches..anyway as far as lightings concerned, the more the merrier, especially with CFLs, because to really be effective they need to be as close as possible without burning them. Try some low stress training and tie down those tall branches until you have an even...
  9. TomAce

    How far above plants to keep 400 true watts of CFL lighting?

    True, however, it's very unlikely he has 400 watts of CFL in a concentrated area...I have 270watts on my seedlings but as you see in the pic, it's spread out...during flowering, I have over 500 watts in my 4x4 all hanging 2-3 inches from canopy with no burns unless a leaf reaches out and touches...
  10. TomAce

    How far above plants to keep 400 true watts of CFL lighting?

    I keep my CFLs, 2inches from plants from seedling all the way through flower.
  11. TomAce

    Question Running Regular Seeds

    I keep it simple ...I clip the lowest branch of each in water...put water bottles on 12/12...once sex is shown I toss em and pull any males if necessary.
  12. TomAce

    a little help with these skywalker seeds plzzzzzz

    Seems many overthink the early stages of life...seed in soil, keep moist...not soaked..moist, seed sprouts...keep soil moist, never soaked..2-3 sets of leaves have now formed and the soil is drying out faster than plants in tray of water, allow to soak up what it needs... Let it...
  13. TomAce

    a little help with these skywalker seeds plzzzzzz

    Overwatered and now root rot? My guess..
  14. TomAce

    Help: Phantom O.G. bud tips are turning black

    Could be something, could be nothing... temperature swings from light time to dark time cause color changes..if it gets worse and begins looking like it's dying off, then I'd be concerned
  15. TomAce

    How does she look

    Looks good for what it is, lesson learned. Enjoy the smoke..don't forget to cure it after drying. If you're not that serious about growing, don't move indoors..just grow with the seasons outdoors and wick water you're girls out there in the desert and never let the source dry of luck
  16. TomAce

    Help: Phantom O.G. bud tips are turning black

    I'm not a professional, though I made it through my first grow successfully. My opinion, looks normal and likely genetics or Temp/RH fluctuations from day to night causing color changes
  17. TomAce

    Trump will kill us all

    Let's all take a deep breath and chill the fuck out..just my humble opinion
  18. TomAce

    Trump will kill us all
