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  1. WV: Jetson

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    to quote my favorite Aussie: "top that Bitch!" ;)
  2. WV: Jetson

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    You guys have Jim Beam in a can?!! @ruby fruit
  3. WV: Jetson

    Rooftop SE Asia

    Congrats! That's a lot of beans...
  4. WV: Jetson

    Another Oregon Grow

    Amen, Brother!
  5. WV: Jetson

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Not me.
  6. WV: Jetson

    Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

    Is your chillum Sassafras, Larry? And, I don't think the stash bag can ever be to full... Reminds me of:
  7. WV: Jetson

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

  8. WV: Jetson

    who is growing some trees????

    Looks like one of those scalp massage thingies you get at the State Fair...
  9. WV: Jetson

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    That sexual union happens fast! Unless you were pollinating in the middle of a downpour, I'm guessing you'll get some seeds from her.
  10. WV: Jetson

    Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

    For me, those type leave straighten themselves out as the plant gets older. It's kind of like it's growing too fast for it's britches. I'd be surprised to see leaves like that in a month. FWIW I'm surprised all the time...
  11. WV: Jetson

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    We ended up busting precp records all over the state in October. Locally, we tallied 10.36" vs our average of 3.35". November has started nicely, sunny and balmy until we get to today's forecast of .75" of rain. Next week ain't lookin' bad: sunny and in the 60's, lows in the low 50's.
  12. WV: Jetson

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Thanks Vnsmkr!
  13. WV: Jetson

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    Well I don't know, but this may be the last stop on the line. Bin o' Bud (CBC) My root cellar I ended up with 6 jars of the bag seed and 11 jars of Cindy's Blue Cheese. and my seeds Gorilla Grape is bag seed X Donkey Kong and Donkey Cheese is CBC X DK. Anyone want some seeds?
  14. WV: Jetson

    Growing Outdoors with Orgonite - A must for huge yields!

    lazy shits! Sorry to hear this news...
  15. WV: Jetson

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Does your weather turn on a dime? You wake up one morning and it's 28* and snowing like a Banshee?
  16. WV: Jetson

    Pollinated outdoor

    I agree
  17. WV: Jetson

    getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

    Damn dude, don't you ever rest?
  18. WV: Jetson

    Pollinated outdoor

    When you say you pollinated, do you mean you took pollen from a male plant and fertilized a female plant? Or do you mean when your were trimming, much to your surprise, you found some seeds. How many plants were you growing? Did you ever see male flowers? A pollinated plant still makes bud.
  19. WV: Jetson

    Mjmama Gardens

    There's always that drunk guy...
  20. WV: Jetson

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    I'd take that all day... Over 8.5" of rain so far this month