Ok that’s what did. However one of mine was shows curling on a couple 3 top leaves. They’re young still. The other leaves look fine so it should recover.
Hey Guys,
I just bought a 315 w ceramic metal halide light to replace my LED.
How close do I want that light on my 4 week old plants? It throws off pretty good heat compared to the LED.
Ok so now I’m wondering what to do next.
If I add cfl lighting , for example 150 w. Times a couple maybe, what exactly sources the CFL? Not a simple lamp source? Sorry, I’m really green here...
I believe over watering Is the issue. They are quite wet. Always worry about them drying out! I’ll let them dry out !
Would you add light later? If so what do I recommend?
Thanks Bobby Long Buds for the advice!
My goal is growing in 5 gallon pots using bio bloom fertilizer. So I started my seedlings in a solo cup in pro mix peat based growing medium.
Plants are progressing but insanely slow!!!!! Should I of started them in organic soil instead? Better nutrition ?
Or is it overwatering ? That was my guess. I just repotted them to the same size pot, just dryer. Added dry soil as the existing soil was soaked.
What are you adding as far as N ?
Your Pics look great! Full spectrum light ?
They are doing very well.
I was concerned that they were dry with the fan drying out the top soil. I’ll be sure to be careful with the water.