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  1. Gregzky

    CMH Light Distance????

    Ok that’s what did. However one of mine was shows curling on a couple 3 top leaves. They’re young still. The other leaves look fine so it should recover.
  2. Gregzky

    CMH Light Distance????

    Okay ,thanks!
  3. Gregzky

    CMH Light Distance????

    Hey Guys, I just bought a 315 w ceramic metal halide light to replace my LED. How close do I want that light on my 4 week old plants? It throws off pretty good heat compared to the LED.
  4. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Metal hailed yes. Really dries out the humidity in my tent though.
  5. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    So I upgraded my light!
  6. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Ok well I appreciate all your advice. CFL for this go around and will look into Hlg 365 s.
  7. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Sweet ! Thanks so much!
  8. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Ok so now I’m wondering what to do next. If I add cfl lighting , for example 150 w. Times a couple maybe, what exactly sources the CFL? Not a simple lamp source? Sorry, I’m really green here...
  9. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Thanks again !
  10. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    I believe over watering Is the issue. They are quite wet. Always worry about them drying out! I’ll let them dry out ! Would you add light later? If so what do I recommend? Thanks Bobby Long Buds for the advice!
  11. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    It’s a 4x4 tent.
  12. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Temp is 25 C and light is a LED full spectrum 1000w (200 w actual). Humidity 40%. The light is 24inches above. All in a grow tent.
  13. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    Lol what’s ffof?
  14. Gregzky

    Dumby Question -figuring things out

    My goal is growing in 5 gallon pots using bio bloom fertilizer. So I started my seedlings in a solo cup in pro mix peat based growing medium. Plants are progressing but insanely slow!!!!! Should I of started them in organic soil instead? Better nutrition ?
  15. Gregzky

    Why Yellowing? Advice Needed!

    Or is it overwatering ? That was my guess. I just repotted them to the same size pot, just dryer. Added dry soil as the existing soil was soaked. What are you adding as far as N ?
  16. Gregzky

    Why Yellowing? Advice Needed!

    Guys, These seedlings had their first set of leaves yellow and die off which is normal. But, wtf is going on in these pics? They’re 3-4 inches tall.
  17. Gregzky

    Any Concern?

    Your Pics look great! Full spectrum light ? They are doing very well. I was concerned that they were dry with the fan drying out the top soil. I’ll be sure to be careful with the water. Thanks
  18. Gregzky

    Any Concern?

    It’s a full spectrum LED light 1000 w and indicates 200 w avg power.
  19. Gregzky

    Any Concern?

    Ok thanks you guys. My light is 1000w LED. Wouldn’t that suffice for the plants life?
  20. Gregzky

    Any Concern?

    Young leaves looking yellow. Any concern?