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    Read this, if you don't want to give your identity away on rollitup

    Sorry only read a few pages and don't remember if it's mentioned but if you are illegal and or trying to be anonymous wipe the digital info from your photos. There are apps to do it.
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    The Perpetual Beach...

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    The Perpetual Beach...

    That label style and packaging looks familiar did you make those by chance. Or possibly a cinnabear 30 or 35mg. My wife loves those
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    Why do people use Autoflowers after their 1st grow?

    I'm so confused by this thread
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    Is this enough or to much ?

    Getting ready to clear a tent and I wanna start organic on this next run. I purchased some jims grateful dirt, local dude who creates his own organic soil check him out. I'm waiting on a bucket of build a soil craft blend for top dress, and was thinking of getting some Boogie heavy harvest tea...
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    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    They half to have so many apprentices per jw's. Might be different where ur at not all halls are the same Look at when the housing market went bust. There are always going to be lean times. Nothing is safe but look at it like this there's a big push to go electric who's most likely to be busy...
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    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    If your in the right district there is money to be made. Get into the right trade with a decent package you can't go wrong especially during a boom
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    should all drugs be legalised?.

    Thing is are states legalizing weed because it's a low level drug lower than alcohol. Or is it for the tax revenue. Look at how much wa brings in every year since legalizing.
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    should all drugs be legalised?.

    Sorry tried to find a local news report about a fentinyal bust they are daily here now. Government can't compete with cheap drugs and a rising tolerance
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    should all drugs be legalised?.

    Isn't that what the slacker family did or the pill mills that kinda jumped started this mess. And when the government realized there was a problem organized crime stepped in to fill the demand. Alot of places won't prescribe pain pills anymore do to this. I just spent a year in intense pain...
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    should all drugs be legalised?.

    I was just at my neices softball game there a couple months back. They have to needle walk the fields before games. I forget the parks name but there is a dicks nearby and a marina. Parts of Wa is the same.
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    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    What's the the package for a journey man. Is it a 4 or 6 year apprenticeship. What do you make now. Shit I don't smoke or drink but finding growing relaxing (momma smokes thou). Weed will always be there opportunities might not. Also as someone who at anti depressants for over ten years go find...
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    So, what are you thinking of getting yourself for Christmas?

    I bought a bunch of otf knives for my nephews and my son.
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    Bought another 2x4 looking for light suggestions

    Thanks for that site.thats one I haven't ran into yet
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    Bought another 2x4 looking for light suggestions

    I finally said screw it and put in a order for it. My brain was getting fried with all the vids and reviews I was scanning through
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    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    Glazers didn't ua, iron workers would thou when you got into the apprenticeship but only that once. This was awhile ago thou. I wonder if that stops contractors giving one before you get on the job. Hall would tell us before we went, they don't want to look bad especially if it's a hiring hall...
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    Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

    When I was in the trades, alot of jobs would ua during their orientations. Suck up all the work you can be, be cool with the coordinator and the dispatch dude. I saw guys who rubbed them the wrong way or put little effort in and they would try to starve them out.
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    Bought another 2x4 looking for light suggestions

    As title says bought another 2x4, wanna try organic in it. Was looking at the mars hydro sp 3000 but hoping to get suggestions on other lights that are out there.
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    Spider Farmer Black Friday Giveaway, Rich Prizes, 3 Winners

    US 283 #Spiderfarmerblackfriday