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    $2000 Budget - (Stimulus Check) - 1st Time Grower

    Well hate to tell ya but i worked for the SD in middle TN for 5 years after i got out of the marine corps Every year late winter early spring we had more home growers in the jail than you could count. They were getting 5 to 7 years if they were lucky. All picked up by the pot chopper in...
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    $2000 Budget - (Stimulus Check) - 1st Time Grower

    Well you may think not but im from tennessee. And it wasnt legal there either. So you better not grow with anything other than blurple. All other lights are hot and will be picked up by the infrared camera on the pot chopper. As for the electric bill, if it goes up too much suddenly theylike to...
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    What's the best way to germinate old seeds 1990-2014

    I dont know why so many people act like seeds are so delicate. As far as ive seen so far they are next to indestructable. The ones i planted are from atleast 2008 or better. They grew fine. And i would go through all yhe wet paper towel stuff. Just put em in dirt and let them go. Thats how...
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    $2000 Budget - (Stimulus Check) - 1st Time Grower

    Hey friend, I know i am a recent new member, and this is my first grow. But honestly, i think $2000 budget for your setup is quite reasonable if you shop. I have only $300 invested in mine (2×4×5 tent, and 1 1200w led and a 600w led) i started flowering mine on march 14th. All i grew was bag...
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    Started flowering!

    Started flowering!
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    My first grow, all bagseed!

    This is my first grow, i figured i would try bagseed so as to make most of the mistakes at a lower cost. I started the lights on 12/12 March 14th. Im starting to see some small buds. Any helpful tips are welcome.
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    Can i graft a 10 in female top to a male rootstock.

    Well i read some on this concept and it sounded pointless untill i found a definite trial purpose. I have a nice female plant that got root rot. Everything i read says it mostly a hopeless endeavor to save. But i like to experiment. So i pulled the plant, trimmed all the bad roots and ended up...
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Well i appreciate ya giving me a better insight to this. I looked into the lollipopping, and what im seeing its like your sayin, you dont want any of those secondary branches, even if they are quite big. I can use them for clones. So when it comes down to it, it will have only the main 8...
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    where the white straw is, that is the 3rd node. I put the lighter next to the next 2 tops, and they have one on each side. Then the same on the branch below. The tops on the next branch lower are just now getting as tall as the next branch. Do those go?
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Thanks that is what i needed to know. 3 nodes and then everything after that. Ok but there are some taller shoots (2 or 3 inch) below the third node, they are a lot thinner and smaller than the mains. Do those stay? Then there are the ones that are not grown away from the branch yet. Those get...
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Well i read a bunch on leds and talked to many people about them and i found out that when it says its a 1200 watt dont even consider that part. You have to look at the actual draw wattage(235w)but i did talk to someone who has been using the same lights i have and he uses 2,1200w on a 4×8 table...
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Oh yea and i took it out of the grow tent to take the picture thats why it dosent look like its getting good light. But i have a 1200w led 235w draw and a 600w led 115w draw in my tent.
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Well thanks. I studied every forum and how to on growing one like that. Figured i would try it on this one. Im just nervous about cutting anything off. And yes its a female and sad to say but i did do all the work before i knew if it was female or not. But i just turned the lights 12/12 on the...
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Do i get rid of the smaller secondary buds or because they are getting great light will they still make good bud just smaller
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    Well thats the thing, as it is now every single bud site is getting the same amount of light. Some are closer to the center of the stalk but there are no bud sites below the node where it was topped. They are evenly flat. I just dont know where or even if to thin any out.
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    How to prune a trained plant? First attempt.

    This is my first grow, indoor or otherwise. I saw someone train a plant by topping it and flattening it and tying it down. So i tried it and it worked great. Now i have a load of bud sites on a 5 inch plant. I feel it needs to be pruned for best yeild but im not sure what to cut off and what...
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    Advice please newbie

    When it comes to starting over, i wouldnt. Ive done a lot of gardening work back home. This is different but i have seen from a few of my plants so far that they can often pull through some really rough stuff and come back to suprise ya. Mice got into 4 of 6 of mine and chewed them completely...
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    Advice please newbie

    I was a little worried about the whole LED wattage rating. I have a 1200w led and a 600w they draw 235w and 120w and i paid $160 for both. Mine are going great. But some ive heard just wont cut it.
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    How far out guesstimates

    Hey those look good. Sorry im not a pro. Im in the middle of my first grow. Is that 9 weeks from seed or clone?
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    Help with untopped plants.

    I still have some more flattening i want to do to it.