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  1. J

    Too bush plant

    this is my first grow so I do not know what I'm doing but I've done a lot of research and from everything I've read I've seen that if there's not enough light the plants will stretch towards the light source. But again I don't really know what I'm doing
  2. J

    Too bush plant

    I was under the impression that because their fabric pots they can't get root bound. I thought they get air pruned.
  3. J

    Too bush plant

    My 8 square feet of canopy versus you're 16
  4. J

    Too bush plant

    They are 1000 watt Bestva LEDs. Two of them. They pull 210 actual watts apeice. Plus the sansi grow bulbs. I have two other all red grow lights bulbs that I planned on adding once I switch flower
  5. J

    Too bush plant

    Yeah I got about half of that in watts/ and my tent is half the size of yours
  6. J

    Too bush plant

    I actually have 60 watts per square foot of canopy right now
  7. J

    Too bush plant

    Wow more light huh? I was actually thinking about raising my light some
  8. J

    Too bush plant

    It's a 2 by 4 by 5 grow tent with reflective mylar. I thought 40 to 50 Watts per square foot of canopy is plenty for veg?
  9. J

    Too bush plant

    I have also been pHing my water between 6.5 and 7 always under seven. Temperature has been with lights on between 77 and 83 degrees lights off it was getting a little chilly between 57 and 63 degrees for a couple weeks since then I've raised the temperature at night when lights are off to about...
  10. J

    Too bush plant

    Plus I have 2 Sansi 26 watt bulbs in there also. I think that's the name of them
  11. J

    Too bush plant

    I have over 40 Watts actual watts per square foot of canopy you don't think that's enough for veg?
  12. J

    Too bush plant

    I am using 3 gallon fabric pots Fox farm ocean forest soil Fox farm trio for nutrients I've been going really light on the nutrients plants are about 6 weeks old they were cloned rooted for about a week before I got them they were growing I put the scrog net down open them up a lot of new leaves...
  13. J

    Too bush plant

  14. J

    Is this plant a male?

    Not 100% sure but if I had to put money on it I would bet male
  15. J

    Is this plant a male?

    Looks like a male to me
  16. J

    Too bush plant

    Here's some pictures
  17. J

    Too bush plant

    So I'm on my first grow I have three purple Lamborghinis going about 6 or 7 weeks old they were clones they are all very droopy and haven't been growing much the past week I did have a scrog net down but it was installed incorrectly and I had to take it off and what happened was it's a bunch of...
  18. J

    Switching light schedule

    Thanks wasn't sure.
  19. J

    Switching light schedule

    So I am currently vegetating my plants on 19/5. lights are on from 5 a.m. to midnight but now that it is getting hotter I wanted to see if I could flower and do lights on during the night time to help keep it cooler? Would I be able to do that without stressing them out would it be best that...
  20. J

    1000 watt Bestva led with veg and bloom switch

    Yeah you got close to the same setup I got I'm definitely going to take your advice thanks again!