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  1. G

    Charging biochar

    Should I aerate the “soup”? And I read 10% was max so I was going to use just under that (6.84 gallons in 70 gallons of soil). I can always use less! Also, I’m not in a rush, I have about 2 months or more. Would it be better to make a “soup” or just let it sit in the compost/bone meal/kelp? I...
  2. G

    Charging biochar

    Hey again everyone, I’m just wondering what a good way to charge my biochar is. I am adding 7 gallons to 70 gallons of soil, I was going to charge it by mixing with some compost/worm castings, and was thinking maybe a bit of alfalfa or something with high nitrogen content? Also, I should...
  3. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks, I will try to aim for the 1cm thickness, but it’s ok to have some pieces a bit bigger? I’m going to be adding perlite to get my aeration closer to 40% plus biochar as well
  4. G

    Granulated Biochar?

    What about AirTerra? They told me it’s granulated 1-5mm size. Is that good? I’m still trying to get a hold of the distributors of Black Owl around here, I can’t seem to find it near me(Ontario, Canada)
  5. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    So you want everything smaller than 1cm? What about the smallest pieces and the dust, should I exclude those? I went out for a few minutes and crushed a some with my mini sledge. Here is what I got, the very largest pieces are 2cm, most are smaller. I just didn’t want to turn it all to dust/too...
  6. G

    Malted barley

    hey guys, so I’ve heard excellent things about malted barley, and am looking for the best I can get. I have heard 6 row is the best, what do you guys think about this barley here?
  7. G

    Worm in no-till bed?

    Yeah, I’ve read that many people swear by them in no-till, just have to keep a proper layer of mulch. Only negative I’ve seen is that maybe it’s not their “ideal home”... oh well!
  8. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I’ve seen a lot of people say they’ve had success with crushed lava rock... did you rinse them off before putting them in soil? I’ve also seen people on here say sometimes these “lava rocks” are actually nothing more than concrete, so maybe that was the case. Anyways, I will make sure that’s...
  9. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    perfect, maybe I’ll make a sieve and sift it. Or just do it rough. Would it be better to go smaller or larger if need be? And what do you do with the dust leftover? Thanks again
  10. G

    Granulated Biochar?

    Ok, so small is better? Do you know where I can get black owl biochar in Canada? Ontario, specifically. Thanks
  11. G

    Granulated Biochar?

    Hey guys, I’m looking for biochar for some aeration(and other reasons) for my no-till bed. What I’m wondering is, should I be using granulated biochar, or will that not work? Thanks!
  12. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Could not find pumice anywhere, but I picked up about 15 gallons of red lava rock for FREE today. Will this rock work? It seems pretty porous, and there’s a good variety of sizes. It was in their garden bed for 5+ years, I can clean it and crush it if necessary. I am using a 65 gallon pot...
  13. G

    No-till aeration?

    Thanks for the informative reply! That is why I like this site, you get more first hand knowledge. I just scored this lava rock for free on Kijiji, it came out of their garden. it’s full of small and large pieces, but I’m willing to crush it if necessary. I was just going to rinse it, but...
  14. G

    Worm in no-till bed?

    Thank you! I will keep my worms seperate and just use their poop!
  15. G

    Worm in no-till bed?

    Hey guys, I’m wondering if I should be adding some red wigglers to my no-till soil. I’m just getting ready to mix it up and am curious about putting some of these little guys in there.
  16. G

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I found some lava rock, it looks natural too, but it’s large size(biggest pieces are 2-3 inches) Would this work if I crushed it? I would probably just use a few bags and then perlite and some biochar.
  17. G

    No-till aeration?

    I'm in Canada... Can't get those at Home Depot here. That's my problem, if I was in the states, it would be easy to find what I'm looking for
  18. G

    No-till aeration?

    Anyone? Trying to get this soil going soon as I can!
  19. G

    No-till aeration?

    Im have a tough time finding pumice/lava rock around here. Found one place for $30/cubic foot, but shipping will be high. What about BBQ lava rocks? Too big/wrong kind? Edit: I found this one as well, not sure which would be...
  20. G

    Cover Crop for Organic No-Till

    Hey all, I'm wondering what your thoughts are for cover crop. I know diversity is always a good thing, and I found this "6 seed blend" from a place near me that I get a lot of my stuff from. It consists of Buckwheat, Barley, Alfalfa, Clover, Lentil & Fenugreek. Here is a link to their page...