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  1. N

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Don't have many pictures on my phone but this was my first scrog attempt, just starting another
  2. N

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    I've been playing around with defol for a little now. Strain dependant on what and how they like it. I have one cultivar that does loose a little weight, but it gets alot more frostier. I can see the difference in the nugs when I have them in my hand. I choose to defol her as it mean more hash
  3. N

    can i overwater coco/rock mix.

    There's a tech to it, make sure they are basically root bound or have a really good root system in place, then feed away as much as you want. I pull 4 zips per plant in 1gallon fabric pots. Don't give up on it try it this way even just on one plant in a corner or something, any questions I'll...
  4. N

    Want to make wax but cant afford presses atm

    A hair straightner and clamp work well for pressing a couple of gs at a time
  5. N

    My 2x2 has gotten out of control.

    Looks like you filled it in how it should be done for max yield, good work
  6. N

    What is causing this? COCO

    Keep feeding as much as you can when roots are developed, keep the coco wet, no less than 90% I feed between 1-4x a day, just give them little bits to top them off after the first big feed of the day
  7. N

    POLL: Have you had a mystical experience on 3.5 grams of Psilocybin?

    4.20gs dried of some Nz subs (these ones are some of stronger mushrooms) Last year was a massive season for me, about 150gs taken over a few months. Went from tripping and watching tv/gaming to now I only trip in a dark quiet room, and have a full ritual. I could go on for ages about my...
  8. N

    High humidity when lights off 12/12 how to lower ?

    I just smash or tape over the small leds on things in my tent. No point having a de humidifier in the tent really, if you're extraction is all set up, it won't make much difference. I use two just in the room where my tents are, this seems to work well for me
  9. N

    A couple of questions regarding nutrients

    The only issue with that is its not available for me to get at the grow shop and don't think it's found online in nz, but I could be wrong. I've used canna cause it works well and I'm too scared to risk the change cause there really is so much shit out there, I see it when I see others grows...
  10. N

    A couple of questions regarding nutrients

    Might make a waterfall kinda thing as well, cheers for the idea, and they do have it all on their website, I've been following their chart with a few slight twist the last year
  11. N

    A couple of questions regarding nutrients

    Hey all. Currently growing in coco with canna nutes,feeding with a hose and pump. Been growing for about a year now and am starting to want to tune things in some more. First question is whats the best way to keep the rez all healthy and clean (only just started with this as I've upgraded...
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    Plants not looking happy

    Haven’t been using a lot of nutes, only a little fpj every few waters
  13. N

    Plants not looking happy

    Here I have a Guava Dubstar. When I received this plant she was only a little bit smaller than how she is now. She had mites and purple stem patches all over her. I sprayed her with agrimec as I know this stuff does the trick. She’s all tied down as I knew she would get too tall for me as I had...