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  1. chronicvanisland

    Outdoors are starting to bud how to reveg??

    Or plant autoflowers
  2. chronicvanisland

    Outdoors are starting to bud how to reveg??

    Any less and will be flowering
  3. chronicvanisland

    Outdoors are starting to bud how to reveg??

    As long as your getting 14hrs of light i think should be ok
  4. chronicvanisland

    Why are my seedlings not growing

    So far my guess is not enough light or too much.
  5. chronicvanisland

    Outdoors are starting to bud how to reveg??

    Have it under a light on a 18/6 schedule til it reverts
  6. chronicvanisland

    Is Fluorescent the option for me

    Yes fluorescents are fine as vegging and keeping a plant alive doesn't take much light!
  7. chronicvanisland

    Why are my seedlings not growing

    Can you please post pics of grow room and explain the equipment your using in detail, height of light and so on, and we can help!!
  8. chronicvanisland

    Intro × Batch of iso cherry oil

    Thanks father but im very aware and i have a well ventilated area!!
  9. chronicvanisland

    Intro × Batch of iso cherry oil

    Hey your welcome! And yes i use 99% isopropyl (rubbing alcohol). And nice, that should work! Try around 180-200° F.
  10. chronicvanisland

    Intro × Batch of iso cherry oil

    Another batch!!!! Check the oil rat!!!
  11. chronicvanisland

    Intro × Batch of iso cherry oil

    If anyone wants to know how i do it just ask, i will make vid one day
  12. chronicvanisland

    Intro × Batch of iso cherry oil

    Hey im thomas i live on vancouver island, heres some iso oil i made tonight from an oz of outdoor black garlic trim. Its super strong. Its almost done. Thoughts??
  13. chronicvanisland

    Starting to get bud rot! Should i harvest?

    Not sure sorry, it was from a bag of weed given to my brother who gave it to me. But some form of purple kush or purple skunk cross most likely i think. Purple afghani perhaps
  14. chronicvanisland

    Starting to get bud rot! Should i harvest?

    You have no clue what your talking about. Go waste someone elses time
  15. chronicvanisland

    How did i do? Iso oil

    Update, 3rd batch, used an ounce or so of my outdoor hashplant trim. Here it is after scraping from pyrex, transferred to my mini bowl and will sit for 6 hrs for final evap.
  16. chronicvanisland

    How did i do? Iso oil

    3 hr final evaporation in bottom of popcan, callin er done
  17. chronicvanisland

    How did i do? Iso oil

    Super stone:oy
  18. chronicvanisland

    How did i do? Iso oil

    Its super dank, thanks man you too!