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  1. 2Hearts

    Is it time for curing?

    Seems like you have some weird concept of humidity and some abstract idea that bud not jarred turns to shit. Sucks you grow so long and dismiss all the pros hanging bud for way longer than two weeks in your area and around the world for few thou years without fussing humidity. Is getting high...
  2. 2Hearts


    You should now understand water better and have a good source. Your water isnt great but it might work ok just id rather rhe dehuey water as least hassle. You will work it out another day when you got time and spare plants. Id just but a bottle of ferts, organic or non organic it wont matter...
  3. 2Hearts


    Its there at under 5ppm, it does nothing to micro organisms in soil, find a patch of fungi and bactetia outside, pour water on it, does it die? No. Its in water to keep pipes sterile under pressure but if anything establishes on the pipes it can no longer stop it as its action is so weak at...
  4. 2Hearts

    Is it time for curing?

    Some scientific proof that 55-65% humidity is tbe 'Cure Zone' please. Easy to copy or talk broscience, harder to prove.
  5. 2Hearts

    Is it time for curing?

    No, it might be dry but taste flavout and moisture equalization take a week longer. Dont jar before two weeks, does it smoke have flavour and full taste? If no far too early wait two weeks.
  6. 2Hearts

    Drying in a cardboard box ok?

    There is no real way round it, weed stinks, buy an extra fan and filter and try to scrub the room your hanging to dry in. I dont waste time and give serious answers for the serious grower, all the other ways and bollocks are written a million times in millions of threads so how about you dont...
  7. 2Hearts

    Double Fan Leaf. Mutation?

    Bad growth and stress causes a multitude of stuff like this, thats all it will be.
  8. 2Hearts

    Sexing a plant....

    I dont even know why this wouldnt be common knowledge, you grow enough plants you see some fuckedup preflowers. Some look male initially but the plant can end up female so guessing is really wrong. There isnt a vast amount of difference between a calyx and a pollen sac to start with, both round...
  9. 2Hearts

    Sexing a plant....

    Just wait till an ACTUAL preflower turns up, they are just strange defects that are easily explained away in the early transitional stages where cells do not divide or differentiate correctly leading to fuckedup localized mutations. Some where in the stem cells need to stop being what they are...
  10. 2Hearts

    High house humidity

    Buds have moisture content, under a certain amount they wont mold, its not going to oick up enough in a small jar. How many days did you dry? If the answer is under two weeks you jarred too early, bud releasing moisture is bad, re dry till it dont say two weeks in total. A lot dont understand...
  11. 2Hearts

    Anyone recommend a Dehumidifier

    60-70% humidity is normal here, its not an issue juat learn to grow in it like the rest of us do. Many days it will be much higher due to rain, air flow is all you need.
  12. 2Hearts

    High house humidity

    No, it wouldnt just be your buds absorbing moisture if moisture was dropping out of the air would it! Sugest at that point you have bigger problens than moldy bud.
  13. 2Hearts

    Anyone recommend a Dehumidifier

    You want a decent dehumidifier for under £60 for a grow in the UK - there isnt one. I grow in tge UK and never needed one ever.
  14. 2Hearts

    High house humidity

    If it was dried long enough it wont mold, humidity disent change that.
  15. 2Hearts

    What's the newest LED setup?

    Gavita all day long.
  16. 2Hearts

    Anyone recommend a Dehumidifier

    There isnt one that will do what you want.
  17. 2Hearts

    Sexing a plant....

    Fucking slow down, not one of them weird freak growths looks male, they do.look weird freak ass. Do you guys need a picture of a male pollen sac to compare and see what is perfectly obvious. Correct answer, its too early to say and i dont judge sex of stuff that fell short of looking like...
  18. 2Hearts

    High house humidity

    Stop fussing shit, if it was dry and obtained its taste and flavour before jarring aint nothing going to change much if you jar it then. Why not wait for it to stop raining and lower humidity if you need some arbitrary number to live by then jar then.
  19. 2Hearts

    Curing pounds

  20. 2Hearts

    Curing pounds

    No one flushes its bad technique except if you just realized you added ten times the normal dose of ferts and needed to try to instantly correct your mistake. If you want a stoner comment suggest you write a thread on favourite strain or post on non serious debate type questions.