Dodge much? I posted up my pict. You said it didn't look that good. SO I'm waiting to see how a pro like yourself does it.
Please do. We're going to sit here and laugh at you. While you're at it, why don't you tell me how your chemical ferts affect long term soil tilth and microlife? And...
Mix some amendments, aeration, thermal compost etc in with your castings till you get the tilth you're looking for. Then make sure you cover it well with some leaves, straw, compost, etc.
Yup this. ^^^^^ Cause "he ain't claiming his weed is the best". He's just trashing everyone else. But he doesn't have to post picts to prove anything to anyone... LOL!
You can cry all you want. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. Sniffle, sniffle... LMFAO!!!!
Stay the hell out of the organic section, and stop making stupid comments. Then you won't have to worry about what other people are posting.
Absolutely. When doing small little bubbles like that, I'll either add a few drops of molasses or none. SOmetimes I'll add a pinch of kelp and/or alfalfa. Maybe even a little rock dust.
Actually I'm just shaking my head thinking, what a freaking moron. You really think you are making people squirm? LMFAO!!!!!!!
All you do is talk smack with nothing to back it up. Do you even grow organic, or are you just trolling as usual?
I would not add crab meal or oyster shell (maybe in small amounts). I would mix up your amendments with about 1/2-1 gallon of ewc per plant, maybe a little aeration. And then yes, cover with leaves. The only leaves I can think of that you might not want to use are black walnut.
New technology? Gavita has been out for decades mr. I screwed up my first round, and haven't posted any picts. I don't think I have seen one bit of pertinent information from you this entire exchange. You just sit and name call and put down other people. I expected more from you.
I have reading comprehension. First grow or not, sounds like you're not too bright if you let a light fry your plants. Just saying, that's like gardening 101.
So what you are saying is you haven't been growing for very long, but you're in here talking all condescending? Sounds like you're not growing organically, but you're in here talking smack eh? Post of some of your new and improved plants. Since a light fried your plants previously.
I'm using 3c castings and 3/4c molasses per 10 gallons water when I make acts. Lately I've been doing more of mini acts where I just throw a small handful of castings in, maybe a few drops of molasses, let brew for 24 hours and water. Then I haven't even been cleaning out the buckets other than...