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  1. M

    Ban white people

    Just don't hate on me cause you are confused on father's day. Your mom was not right when she was on the pipe
  2. M

    Ban white people

    So it's all good to talk shit about my race, but not yours. You sure have a sense of entitlement
  3. M

    Ban white people

    What is the #1 killer of young black males, other young black males Killing them of course. Is that YT fault, hmm. Who's getting the majority of welfare, blacks, hmmm. Who gets the first opertunity at schooling or jobs, blacks. You don't even go vote if it's not one of your own running, hmmm...
  4. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    Really though weed probably isn't going to be our biggest problem. He's going to eventually get baited into a argument ( probably tweeting like a 12 year old school girl at 3:00 am )with a foreign leader. He doesn't understand the consequences. You young people that will be eligible for a draft...
  5. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    First off, I'm not a snowflake. Second your hero campaigned saying that he would leave weed up to the individual states. Then he appointed this dipshit in charge of the DOJ. Watch the video of him saying quote " Good people don't smoke weed " and going on with how it's a terrible problem.
  6. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    Ahhh gotcha. I thought it was a racist term. Fair enough I guess.
  7. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    I've gotta ask. What the hell is snowflakes
  8. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    Are you a butt hurt trump voter in a rec state
  9. M

    Trump!..The Lost RIU Dayzed Thread

    Trump's mouth piece
  10. M

    Short List of things Trump has improved bigly

    Now he's put sessions in charge of the DOJ and his mouth piece is saying crack down on recreational weed. To all in rec states that voted for him, good luck
  11. M

    Low cost curing container?

    I just bought a 6 pack of same jars. Wally world less than ten bucks. Also a ten pack of the 62% packs on the Zon 12$...Easy peasy
  12. M

    Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

    Piss every couple of beers. Need to stretch legs anyway. Must have a full box of gloves
  13. M

    Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

    I only trim at table next to my kegerator. Don't wanna have to walk too far. Lol
  14. M

    Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

    Tipping one as we speak. But not trimming
  15. M

    Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

    Probably couple per hour. I'm a seasoned beer drinker. Lol
  16. M

    Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

    Trimming sucks ass enough. Without beer and tunes it would be unbearable
  17. M

    What's best for new growers?

    There's lots of seeds to pick up at local dispensaries all over Mi. If you are near Ann Arbor look up OM of medicine or arborside. Both have a good variety. One in Jackson is largest seed bank in Mi
  18. M

    Best blueberry strain?

    Picked up DJ shorts Blueberry. Gonna try it outside this spring. I can't wait
  19. M

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Just picked up DJ shorts Blueberry and nirvana's lemon skunk
  20. M

    TGA By Others

    That's badass!