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  1. turbo

    how long to sprout?

    give it 3 days max depending on what light your using
  2. turbo

    Spraying Plants

    well while were on the topic of spraying any reccomandations to spray plants with to keep the fugide and pesticides away?
  3. turbo

    Spraying Plants

    k thanks guys i heard from sum people that it crystalizes the bud more but now i know thats not the best idea to do to my ladies
  4. turbo

    Spraying Plants

    opinions on spraying your plants with sugar? Pros/cons? and how to
  5. turbo

    Fluorescent lights question?

    i use 2 48" flourecents however the bulbs i use are from ottlite and are 48" tubes that guarentee double the growth in plants when using their tubes instead of other tubes in the same amount of time. There are around 10$ each and are a very nice 2600 Luments @ 40 watts per tube making 10400...
  6. turbo

    20 days into flower thoughts? pics

    good job man
  7. turbo

    Males: Kill Them and Dump the Body or Make Use of Them?

    cut the balls off the males. its a tidious work but it will keep your females from turning to dirt weed. however be careful because all it takes is one male flower to pollenate and wreck a female
  8. turbo

    plant pics

    nice looking so far ure doing a good job, what kind of light are you using?
  9. turbo sponsered grow journal!

    lookin good man keep us updated
  10. turbo

    The tale of the possible oaxacan bagseed

    looking good man keep up the good work just watch your ph and nute levels and youll be smoking good soon
  11. turbo

    Whats wrong with these plants?

    try getting a little bit more powerful pump