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  1. $Aint418

    1 thread 3 cfl questions

    I added up all my bulbs I have 369 watts in all
  2. $Aint418

    1 thread 3 cfl questions

    G Got any pics of your grow?
  3. $Aint418

    1 thread 3 cfl questions

    #1 how close can I put my CFLs to my auto during the 3 stages (seed/veg/flower)? #2 Do I risk harming my plants if they are too close? #3 will scrog help my plants consume more of the cfl light I provide? CAN I PLEASE HAVE POSITIVE FEEDBACK ONLY?( IM VERY EXCITED TO GROW MY PLANTS AND DONT...
  4. $Aint418

    Thank you for your help I will just send my payment via priority mail international ..that seems...

    Thank you for your help I will just send my payment via priority mail international ..that seems best since I can track my envelope up until it reaches the P.O. box in the U.K.
  5. $Aint418

    CFL lumen output?

    So you guys think I need more bulbs to get better results because I'm working with 5 60Watt cfl bulbs that push out 900 lumens per bulb and 3 23 Watt bulbs that push out 1640 , 1600 ,and 1640....I just gotta determine my grow areas length and width now
  6. $Aint418

    Hi what are the accepted payment options that G.S.B. offer at this time? The actual site shows...

    Hi what are the accepted payment options that G.S.B. offer at this time? The actual site shows them all but people have been saying you don't accept things such as western Union and money gram. #Help Please.
  7. $Aint418

    Gorilla seed bank?

    I don't know any reliable seed banks in the u.s. also were I live its not very ....well safe to buy them ...suggested banks anyone?
  8. $Aint418

    CFL lumen output?

    Quick question ....I have 8 cfl bulbs that all together equal 9380 lumens many lumens do I need to have a nice sized indoor plant?(Not including temp, enviorment,nutes,and all the extra important things that I know plays a huge part in the plants life.) I only want to grow 2 auto plants...
  9. $Aint418

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    Thank you !
  10. $Aint418

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    His plants aren't even in the flower sta-...u know what nvm I'm obviously stupid r something time b the 1 who replys with help some1 wen they ask your totally right sir
  11. $Aint418

    How important is Up-Potting (Indoor Soil Growers)

    You guys may be right but different strokes for different folks
  12. $Aint418

    First time poster, First time indoor- Need a lil help

    I honestly think its probably under watering that makes the leaf tips drop down ...your leaves are supposed to purk up and reach for the light your giving it ...make sure your lighting is correct and not too close or far away
  13. $Aint418

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    Also if you don't want bud with seeds you might wanna remove that male on the left far as hell away frum the female because there's only a small window to do so b4 the male pollen sacks grow and pop open and release pollen ...Therefore fertilizing the female,forcing the female to bud with...
  14. $Aint418

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    Secondly from what I see in the first pic is that your main 2 big plants the left is a male because you can see little pollen sacks the big 1 on the back right of the first pic is a female because of the little strands sticking up always remember guys have balls/sacks and females don't....the...
  15. $Aint418

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    First thing first mystery seeds from bud u buy is a no no ...but honestly I feel you because I'm actually considering it myself
  16. $Aint418

    i grew a toy! plse advice.

    A 4 week auto ...never heard of that ...most autos take about 8 to 10 weeks for a full 3 stage life cycle also (in my opinion) transplanting can cause stress on to ladies I would just start of in the pot its gonna end its life cycle in ...simply because some plants root growth is very rapid...
  17. $Aint418

    Harvesting top growth

    What do you mean stun?...and for what I learned its OK to harvest the top b4 the lower buds ....some buds mature faster than others preferably the top of your plant which in most cases will always receive
  18. $Aint418

    Gorilla seed bank?

    At this point I'm considering and not going to buy yet waiting til next pay check ...but I have tested it all out by making a dry run type order meaning observing payment options and not actually ordering anything....I really just wanna see if ppl have done this and have succeeded.
  19. $Aint418

    Gorilla seed bank?

    Gorilla has the same deal going on but for me sending money thru the mail is quite nerve wrecking for me ....I just wish sum1 would let me know the best way to send it through the mail because I think the us costoms need you to fill out a form about what the envelope contains and stuff...I...
  20. $Aint418

    A dog in a growroom. Bad idea?

    New to forums PERIOD ...HAVE NEVER DONE THIS B4 TODAY lol