Search results

  1. mogie

    Little Yellow Bugs in my buds... HELP!

    Aphids: Signs of an infestation: Stunted, curled leaves. Aphids use piercing mouthparts to suck sap from the Phloem. Ants often accompany aphids (Ants help transport aphids around), and will also need to be controlled. Aphids secrete a sugar-like...
  2. mogie

    HELLLPPPPP 2 much HEAT!!!!

    How many hours is it on? Of course the hood is air cooled right? How do you exhaust the hot air out of the room? I would suggest a fan aimed right below the light blowing out. Another aimed at your plants blowing out (by that I mean place the fan at the back and have it blow the air out toward...
  3. mogie

    2008 Presidential Candidates' Stances On Medical Marijuana

    End DEA Raids on Patients? YES - Sen. Joe Biden (D-MD) UNCLEAR - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) YES - Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) YES - Fmr. Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) (a switch from 2004) YES - Fmr. Sen. Mike Gravel (D-AK) (implied by his pro-legalization stance) YES - Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) UNCLEAR...
  4. mogie

    Are Female Growers Hot?

    That's sterling folks.
  5. mogie

    Someone's Selling Seeds Again!!!!

    Somethings when boys get out on their own they tend to go a little overboard just take him with a grain of salt. I will talk to him.
  6. mogie

    How to stop the smell of your smoking

    Or use a vaporzier.
  7. mogie

    cloning a hermaphrodite

    But if it has hermie traits they are still passed on.
  8. mogie

    Hey, I've Grown Many Times But This Time I'm Having Trouble

    Start your ferts but at 1/4 recommended strength. What is the temp is there? Do you use a mositure meter? Is your hood air cooled?
  9. mogie

    light dropped on my plant

    It should be okay.
  10. mogie

    It's Me!

    Good to have you on board supergrow!
  11. mogie

    Hi I'm Morning Yearning

    welcome check out growFAQ getting started that should be a big help
  12. mogie

    germinating methods

    Germinating Cannabis Seeds (for Bio Growers). Your seedlings will be alot better off if you germinate directly in soil - less handling and mechanical disturbance means less chance of physical damage to the plant's taproot (and roothairs) and less food reserves used to position itself due to...
  13. mogie

    germinating methods

    Get a jar about 500 ml and some distilled water. Fill jar with the distilled water and add a drop of Superthrive and a few drops of rooting hormone. Shake jar vigorously for 5 mins to mix and...
  14. mogie

    germinating methods

    well first i get my 2 trusty germ plates 6" diameter 1" dish then i take a paper towel and fold it small enough to fit inside said germ plates i get em good and wet and let em drip dry for about 10 seconds then i stick the seeds into the fold in the center of the paper towel like so...
  15. mogie

    Which is faster?

    In my opinion they grow faster outdoors.
  16. mogie

    bagseed vs sedbank

    If this is your first grow use bagseed. You don't want to make mistakes with expensieve seeds. Play with what you have. You might love the final product. Try it and see.
  17. mogie

    Get To Know Me

    Did you like our special present? Thought it would lift your
  18. mogie

    Why we should Impeach?

    Someone is using I am confused...normally I can only react to emotionally charged you made me forget what the subject was.
  19. mogie

    Someone's Selling Seeds Again!!!!

    fdd he is young and sometimes acts without thinking.
  20. mogie

    New Mod Needed

    When are the mod(s) going to be picked? How many mod(s)?