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    Re post
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    There was actually another thread for man panties, though I got a couple in my thread, too.
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    It only started because Lahada posted pictures of herself in the club and naturally the conversation went off on a tangent. She did abstain from posting any pictures at all until very recently because of fear of backlash plus issues people have with her avatar. But Sunny is also right: Lahada...
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    Want to ban guns?

    I've only ever been sorely punished or looked down upon for defending myself. People need to make the rules universal; it is either acceptable to lash out and attack people or it is not. If I hurt someone who attacked me, I look like a bitch because I am a fighter, believe it or not. So if I...
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    elementary school shooting in newton ct

    Maybe it's my wolf mind speaking; the delicate alternation of dominance and submission. I respect you so I am officially laying down and showing you my belly. It is also disrespectful to argue in this thread, so I am sorry.
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    Dog Fighting

    Yes I do. I don't need to prove that you act a complete ass online. I'm not disputing you being a great family man offline, unlike some people here, but now I really understand why people told me left right and center that you are a 'nasty piece of work' when I just wanted to defend you...
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    Want to ban guns?

    Mid you want freedom let's make rape and murder legal.
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    Want to ban guns?

    Yes. I believe there comes a point where our desire for self preservation crosses into a realm of arrogance. Our lives don't mean much. Submit or deem myself worth shooting someone over? I will respectfully disagree and leave. Threads like this should be in the politics forum anyway. Too much...
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    Want to ban guns?

    Apostrophe missing. You give the impression of being a very responsible adult by saying you should be allowed to play with guns because it's fun. Very nonlinear argument there, on the other hand I've considered the need for guns by hunters, sportsmen and people in remote locations at risk of...
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    Want to ban guns?

    The government is corrupt if people don't have the right to put ten bullets in someone or something they don't like???!
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    Want to ban guns?

    I'm an ex cigarette smoker and their plight is almost as selfish a those who want to keep their guns because it's their right and it's 'fun' People ARE calling for that ban and it is in effect. No smoking in the workplace and soon public places. You are not allowed to smoke in rental properties...
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    Want to ban guns?

    That's another point... People want their children safe and people want the right to own a lethal weapon... Because its fun.
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    Songs stuck in your head...

    Lol. I think the cure I the listen to it. Haha, I've been susrisingly pleased with he quality of the X factor UK and USA... So glad that there is still talent bring given a platform, not all fakery. But yeah, you need to listen to it so what you imagine hearing matches what's going in in your...
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    Want to ban guns?

    So much glorification of guns and warfar.. And so many destroyed lives. You're lucky it was only juvenile disappointment x
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    Want to ban guns?

    There's another aspect to it all. It's NOT everyone by any means, but you speak to some guys and it's like taking away their gun means cutting off part of their penis or something. A gun doesn't make a man.. So many kids I went to school with ran off to join the military for the sole reason that...
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    Want to ban guns?

    Thankyou for doing your job and I am in no way criticising you or your line of work, the same way I disapprove of people here bashing the police force for doing their job. I was simply highlighting that people want people like you around when their kids are in danger but in dozens of threads...
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    Want to ban guns?

    is true... But why let it escalate? I think seeing the guns taken from cartels in Breaking the Taboo really brought it home for me, seeing how the complexity and potential for massive damage evolved over a short period of time, the weapons becoming more and more horrific. Like when it got to the...
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    Want to ban guns?

    And then the bad guy just has to get bigger and writer guns and find ways to avoid the civilians guns! Endless cycle of violence! Arms race with kids in school, FFS
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    Want to ban guns?

    If you read my other post you'd see I already made mention of t being a different matter for hunters (even though I disagree with hunting for sport) and if you need to protect yourself from dangerous wild animals. I'm not that stupid or or blinkered. Even taking those and other factors into...
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    Want to ban guns?

    Yes. The US wants security, the US wants freedom. If its wider public safety vs your arrogant 'need' or 'entirlenent' to pop a cap in someone then others are just as entitled to want to stab you.