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  1. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    Buck... I graduated with honors from a law school ranked in the top 60 of the usa. I didn't get kicked out. I didn't get addicted. I've never been married. Pinworm has never been in an ambiguous position, he is a partisan and on your side entirely. Your little pet. Just because it was in...
  2. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    The entire story was made up in the first place. Bushy never poked no mentally deficient females.
  3. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    Yeah, he's my little brother. He moved in with me about 6 months ago . Rents my basement. I don't you you any explanations bucktard.
  4. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    Dude, that wasnt rape. She wanted to do it. And she wasn't invalid, just retarded.
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    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    My brother...Smokydan is infact, my brother.
  6. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    If I raped anyone, it'd be because they were hot and had been teasing me. I don't understand any other reason. And no joke, not a sock puppet. A different person has operated Smokeydan from the moment of it's inception until this very moment.
  7. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    Well it certainly isn't on the level of murder. I mean, women have rape fantasies. They get dressed all slutty and find all kinds of excuses to go walking alone at night. Rapists are just granting them there wish. Im sure there are actual rapes out there. But most of them are either made up...
  8. B

    When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...

    You hear it all the time... "Violent crimes like rape and murder." Rape is only violent when she puts up a fight. The female decides to make the rape violent most of the time. Dude just wants to get his rocks off. He usually wont just beat her for shits and giggles. That said, rape has some...
  9. B

    Congress over ride the ppl choice

    You sure he is me?
  10. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Aww, thanks sugar
  11. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Half empty half full, depends on how you mean. Both are correct. I often hear that Mississippi is the leader in obesity. And they sure don't mean the most fit people physically.
  12. B

    Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

    My favorite kind of coke is diet Pepsi. There are parts of the south where they call it a pop. Also, if you just order a tea, it is going to have ice in it and have lots of sugar.
  13. B

    Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

    White girls named starlene/starlena/starla or Thomasina Lavavastar
  14. B

    Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

    Deep fried oreo cookies or snikers. Pickled eggs and pigs feet... delicious. And a lot of the nation's new industry because we're willing to work for a fair wage and not go on strike to get twice what we're worth. Hell, you might even have a job if you moved down here. Even our walmart...
  15. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I don't think China has the capability to do a fraction of what we can do on any of those fronts. I don't think we could conquer them. Too big, too many people. But within 4 months they wouldn't be able to put a ship in the sea, or a plane in the sky if we went to war. A war with China...
  16. B

    Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

    That is one disobedient negro. Slave owners didn't want to whip their slaves. A slave with whip scars was worth significantly less as it was a sign of disobedience. A very undesirable trait in a slave. It was a very uncommon practice. So much so that this is one of the only few pictorial...
  17. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I think we could issue a statement about how we would pay everyone else, but the Chinese could fuck them selves.
  18. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I always hear the libtards say the US, at 5% of global population produces more than its share of co2 because we're greedy or some shit. So Russia with even less people, produces so much more than everyone else?
  19. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    5 years... Over or under for a massive Chinese collapse?
  20. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I saw a documentary about Chinese cities. They have cities that have apartments and office space for hundreds of thousands of residents and they're all empty.