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  1. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Where have I blamed one single poor person, or any person for any problems that I may or may not have? Pada, how do you define good job? It certainly has more to it, but providing you with the means to support yourself is the obvious first criteria. If either of your jobs enabled you to...
  2. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    If it were that simple, why do I need a state license, continuing education, and charge 300 or better to do it. I'm not talking about mickey mouse ADT 2 doors and a window. Most of what pharmacists do is count and put it in a bottle. But every once in a while they need some expertise.
  3. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    I don't trade dollars for hours. I charge a fee for a service. I draw a modest salary. And i get a cut of net. But a lot of people are working for 12. And if everyone else was getting 10, their life gets harder. No way around that bucko. .. and that's why your reply to this will be...
  4. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Do you think 12 is better or worse if the minimum wage goes up to 10.1?
  5. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    You don't have any knowledge about me and what I do other than what I've said here. where do you get this pyramid scheme business from? Andno, I don't install the systems . I'm the guy who comes over and programs the codes the owner decides to use into the system. If I ever relapse I won't...
  6. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    No, some jobs aren't worth that much. If you need to make a certain amount to live how you want, you need to do something that is worth that much.
  7. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    I'll speak when and how I like. And if you don't like it you can file a grievance with the local #207, special attention to the blow me director.
  8. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Dude, you don't have to convince me that I was a total failure for a few years. Everyone files at some point, I just did it more. What is important is what you do after.
  9. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    I do. If you recall, my argument did not address the minimum wage worker, only the impact that an abrupt and steep rise in the minimum wage would have negative impact on those who are on the brink of being middle class.
  10. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Even if I died, you would not be selected to fill the vacant position. You see pada, I'm paid because of what I know. The knowledge is hard to come by, and the state has given me a piece of paper saying I know it. People like you are jealous because you expend more physical effort in your...
  11. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Well you can call me an idiot, without saying the true statement I made was wrong and thus making yourself look like an idiot. You have plausible deniability, buck, pada it is not.
  12. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    It's not a lake, it's a pond
  13. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Exactly, large corporations are the source of most minimum wage employees.
  14. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    I'm stupid? You're the one who thinks everyone who isn't rich is in the middle class! I got news for you, douchebag, most of the people you consider rich are actually in the middle class.
  15. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Then why have those adults not chosen careers that make them valuable? I don't remember anyone forcing people to drop out of school
  16. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    But I'm not.
  17. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Yes there are. That's why you tell the kid no. That's why he doesn't get to have his video game.
  18. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Pada, if you make 10 bucks an hour you're not middle class, your fucking poor. The reason you can't make ends meet is because you're trying to live a middle class life style on a poor mans salary.
  19. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Is pointing out that I'm a heroin addict the only defense to my argument you can come up with?
  20. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    No it doesn't. That is what it means to you. A reasonable wage is the same thing as a reasonable price for a cheeseburger. What is the most you can sell the burger for, balanced against what is the most someone is willing to pay for the burger.