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  1. O

    NEEM OIL for Life!

    I spray my plants once a week with Neem, with a pressure sprayer..just blast the heck out them, tops and bottom. However once buddage starts forming I just use water and use it sparingly. Last 4 weeks of flowering..nothing but a rare light misting. I live where it's super dry and mold has...
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    Plants recovering from Mosiac virus ? Possible ?

    I popped some seeds a while back just to see if they were still viable. I had not planned on starting a new grow until Oct. I just wanted to see if the seeds were still good. Out of 8 seeds planted I got 8 I just decided to throw them under some CFLs so I could do some nute...
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    are they aphids

    Need more info then it's a yellow bug. A lot of bugs are harmless. It's the bugs you can't see that kill your crop. Just Google Aphids on wikipedia etc and see if you can't find one that matches..or comes close. There may be links to pictures of pest bugs in the Read me or FAQ. Use magnifier to...
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    9 1/2 weeks into flowering and thrips just showed up

    Lady bugs are useless against adult Thrips..though they may eat larva. Keep using Thrips strips...fill the room with them. Keep the top layer of soil disturbed down to at least an inch. Pour a layer of playground sand on top of the soil. Increase fan speeds on plants. Keep room spotless. Vacuum...
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    Aphids and aphid sheddings at harvest. What should I do?

    Ughh... No bugs in jugs. The ladybugs will leave fecal matter and dead bodies just like the Aphids. Your freezing shock treatment is a good idea...I would also try and vacuum them off. If you haven't chopped them down to just buds yet...just try shaking them off while the vacuum is...
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    We are the Borg...

    Lower your plants and surrender your harvest. Your existence as a marijuana grower as you have known it is over...from this day forward you will service us. Resistance is futile... No shit... Where is species 4278 when you need them ? Anyway.... My last grow was assimilated and pretty much...
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    Minimum hours needed during late flowering...need answer ASAP..Please !

    Major heat problem... 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks until harvest...Indicas soon ..Sativas later ( early to mid July ) Can't do anything about heat... AC going galore. Night time for room barely go below 80 ( Misting room with ice cold water...have Ice blocks..) Lights on only...
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    Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap. Nuggs Forming. Can I Still Spray?

    I wouldn't. Had problems using Safer...taste and smell never really leave. Use an organic bug even sprayed on buds. Kill Spider Mites works good..all organic and natural.. You would still have to spray with water at least 2 weeks before harvest. To get rid of taste and...
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    Color Purple?

    What should the day and night temps be ? CEA 2x Grape Ape / Sativa weirdos. ( Starting to show a little purp ) 2x Cali Mist 2x Afghan ( one from a seed that was just there just 4 months ago...soldiers..bless their hearts ) The other was just some dispensary crap. Grapes are maybe 3 to 4...
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    The Old Red, White and Blue Questions

    Start with Red ( Might as well throw White in here since it relates ) 3 to 4 weeks until harvest...hairs turning red kinda early ? Or is that the normal amount of time when it happens ? ( I don't remember them turning red until the last few weeks during flushing...maybe I'm just smoking too...
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    Eagle 20 vs. Powdery Mildew: Day One

    High PH water alone will kill PM....all I ever used for PM was hight PH water I bought from a organic food store...50 cents a gallon. PH at 8.4 will kill PM... No damage to plant or buds.. Don't use use PH Up or any other Ph adjuster unless you can filter it... The water I can get...
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    How Long Can I Get Away with Not Having a Dehumidifier? Day 10 Flower 65% Rh

    Wow..I just can't imagine having to buy a de-humidifier... I live in Colorado...and I have 2 sonic humidifiers and regular one just to keep it at 50 with lights on. But I do drop the humidity the last week of flush before harvest...down into the 30s. Especially on my Kush Where I live...
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    Help! Spider Mites in Final Weeks

    Yes she is... The stuff I ended up using ( No Spider Mites ) is all natural and organic, non toxic even if drunk, no fumes, no smell, no after taste or ugly to spray until harvest, Does not affect pistols even if accidently directly sprayed... Ingredients are .. Rosemary Oil...
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    Do You Play Music For Your Plants?

    And if so what kind ? I watched a program on PBS the other day about how plants react to music. I'm thinking of just getting a cheap radio and putting it on a local classical channel..or easy listening. On low of course...I don't want to end up with brain damage ;) I know the old wives...
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    Help! Spider Mites in Final Weeks

    I just got a big bottle of Neem today also... also picked up a big bottle of No Spider Mites so I can not only spray the plants one more time but spray the entire room....and everything else in the grow room, pots, humidifiers ( I live in's gets minus humidity here ), fans...duct...
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    Help! Spider Mites in Final Weeks

    Lol Forget everything... I'm just gonna plunk down 50 bucks for a big bottle of Kill Spider Mite instead. That stuff is amazing ! The lights just came back on and when did I spray it the first time...? Yesterday ? Anyway the plants look better already...I spent hours with a...
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    Hotshot No Pest Strips. How Close to Harvest Can You Use Them?

    I've got a month left... Hotshot treatment starts tomorrow... Plan is 3 days x ( 12 hours when lights are off then remove ) followed up a week later for another 3 days to catch the new borns . Thats 10 days... Is 20 days enough to get rid of any lingering chems...are there any...
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    Urgent! Desperate for Advice! Water Related

    The bigger Aqua Globes do work. A week no problem....2 weeks might be pushing it. Best advice for the globes is to try it now...fill you bucket with dirt..water it thoroughly...stick the globes in and see what it's like in a week. A do it yourself would be a 5 gallon bucker raised higher then...
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    Help! Spider Mites in Final Weeks

    Thank you... Final entry.... I called my friend on his way to work about 5 minutes ago to make sure he got the Hotshot No Pest Strip.. I also included pics to show that there are no webs and most of the leaf damage is done to the Grape Apes.. The picture of me holding that one leaf shows the...
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    Help! Spider Mites in Final Weeks

    Ok... Update A friend of mine is going to get me a Hotshot Pest strip for me tonight...and if that fails I'll just take an expensive cab ride over to the nearest store and get it myself. ( I can barely walk much less drive...) In the last 2 days I hit the plants 2x throughly with an...