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  1. shiva71

    Had to share my beauty :) Thats what you got bro. Sorry youre getting ripped here man, but when experienced growers tell you its N toxicity, and you say no its a normal BB trait, you seem like a rookie know-it-all. Plants otherwise look good :)
  2. shiva71

    Undeveloped Buds

    Nice plant. Its not unusual to have buds mature at a different rate, it looks likes your buds at the top are gonna be ready before the lower ones, ive staggered all my harvests, picking the upper buds when ready and leaving the lower ones if they need another week or so.
  3. shiva71

    Dehumidifier not working :/

    Ok cheers. Both the unit and a digital hygrometer say 30%, its my analogue reading 50%...ive tested this, like i put it in a tupaware box and it still didnt drop below 50. So its possible all is well and theres something wrong with the machanics in the analogue that it wont drop below 50...
  4. shiva71

    Dehumidifier not working :/

    I paid €70. Hadn't heard of that brand before but a quick look online tells me its decent quality, at least that's the impression I got.
  5. shiva71

    Dehumidifier not working :/

    Yes, and yes. Cheers!
  6. shiva71

    Dehumidifier not working :/

    Hi I've always had really high RH leading to lots of bud rot. So I invested ina dehumidifier, this one to be exact: I got this 2nd hand in good condition, I believe its a decent bit of...
  7. shiva71

    Check my trichs please...?

    Hiya Ive never managed to find the right kit to scope my trichs properly - discovered to my immense amazement my phone camera (48MP) zoomed in works a treat. But cos ive never really seen them properly im not sure...these look more clear than cloudy, what do you think? Whole plant Buds If...
  8. shiva71

    Mixed RH readings - which should i trust?

    Actually that's the only thing working! Essentials. Good pen. My 2 ppm meters are also out!
  9. shiva71

    Mixed RH readings - which should i trust?

    Appreciate the replies guys cheers! Still getting the analogue 50% humidifier 30%. The analogue has been checked with the salt method that seems to be accurate. Dammit this shouldn't be a problem!!
  10. shiva71

    Mixed RH readings - which should i trust?

    Hmmmm. The analogue has been in the bag with salt slurry about 5 hours and its reading bang on 75% which is what it should say. I cant believe my humidifier is 20% out...?
  11. shiva71

    Mixed RH readings - which should i trust?

    Ok thanks. Yeah I read about the salt paste check method, I won't be able to put the dehumidifier in a zip lock bag but I can check the analogue one. Put a 3rd one in there, another digital one i had, that agrees with the humidifier at 32%, analogue reading 50% so its maybe thats the one that is...
  12. shiva71

    Mixed RH readings - which should i trust?

    Hi I have an analogue thermo/hygrometer, which i bought because i didnt trust the cheap digital ones. Got a dehumidifier last week. They both agree temps are 24°, however for RH the analogue is giving me 50%, my dehumidifier is telling me 32%. Quite a difference. Which of these two is more...
  13. shiva71

    Loupe recommendations?

  14. shiva71

    Loupe recommendations?

    Hiya I have something like this and i cant see sh!t with it. Can anyone suggest something which i can use to check trichomes? Or is there a microscope app anyone is using? Cheers!
  15. shiva71

    Skint newbie on a budget in search of good advice.

    How big is your grow space? I'm an auto grower, I use a basic quantum board 135w and pull around 160g. So yield can be good, but I'd say take the given time (normally 90 days ish) with a pinch of salt...add on another 2 weeks. Good luck man!
  16. shiva71

    PPM meter hassles

    The chart on the calibration solution i assume that's there for a reason? Like is says at 20° umols should be 1278, mine was 1400 at 20°...thats not right. The guy in the growshop said yeah don't worry about that good advice?
  17. shiva71

    PPM meter hassles

    Thanks. They are buggered. Ive just sat with a pot of cal sol, tap water i know is 190ppm, and some of my rez water and readings were absolutely all over the place nothing reading the same twice despite multiple calibrations. Its just weird both of them doing the same thing, that suggests human...
  18. shiva71

    PPM meter hassles

    Yeah i was, and it was pretty skanky. And i hadnt been rinsing probes after use. Both of which point to my probes being filthy, seems like a very possible explanation. Ill soak them overnight in KCI. Cheers!