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  1. warble

    Problem ID.

    The spotty yellowing can mean a cal-mag problem. Did you check the Ph of the the rain that has hit your plants? Could be a lockout issue. It could also mean the damage the bugs did, caused it. You don't have to, but I remove any yellow leaf I find. Bugs just love yellow, that is why sticky traps...
  2. warble

    fertilizer issue rdwc (ı m new)

    Yes, buy everything. You are going to need some cal mag. There is some in the flora line, but you're proly gonna need more. That bucket setup seems steep. What, eight buckets, some hoses, air pump, water pump for more than $150. I'd make my own. I have. I also built in modularity to upscale and...
  3. warble

    Problem ID.

    Yeah, bugs are a problem sometimes. Those are the lower leaves, correct? How's the top of the plants? Did your soil have neem seed meal? That could have mitigated the bugs. I don't think its overwatered. There would be some clawing. Your chicken shit is not burning your tips. Nicely done...
  4. warble

    Problem ID.

    That is bug damage.
  5. warble

    What would cause clawing?

    That needs some nitrogen. Maybe a lockout. What is your Ph? How much nutes are you giving? looks like a pretty start.
  6. warble

    Autoflowers Suddenly droopy leaves in just 1 day

    You could top them, but do you have enough room for lateral growth? Be very selective about what branches you trim. Topping them will enable the plants to spread. You might not get it right the first couple of go arounds. You will get better at selecting what branches you want to see get...
  7. warble

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    I use recharge and mycos. I think they are different, but they do seem to help. I've never used athena. Have you ever done a side by side with and without? Just wondering.
  8. warble

    Autoflowers Suddenly droopy leaves in just 1 day

    I'd say overwatered. From the picture. The soil looks dark. I would replace the soil, clean up the dead roots, sprinkle rooting agent on the roots. It could help, but if it is underwatered, they should just pop right up in less then a day after a proper watering.
  9. warble

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    On that last picture, is that diatomaceous earth or is it powdery mildew? At 54% rh, are you foliar spraying? Stop that, if that is pm. You might wanna get a fan in there. Other than that last pic, I'd say they look pretty nice. It also looks like something is chomping on your leaves. I would...
  10. warble

    Ec meter

    That super soil looks like its running a little hot. Shouldn't be a problem. She'll grow out of it as long as you keep watering without nutes for a while. Wouldn't hurt clearing out those yellow leaves. Helps the soil dry out and less places for bugs to hide.
  11. warble

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    I did add worm castings when the girls were in veg. I haven't added any compost. I do give them some Recharge and Mycos and a little molasses. I will add some compost next week.
  12. warble

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    I got the seeds from I think the site is not working because he ran out of seeds. If I remember correctly it was a cross of alien og and lambs bread.
  13. warble

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    I started gaia this year. Yeah, only read the first couple a pages. I'm in flower and I have Ph-ed my water to 6.5. Should I just use RO water and not worry or should I keep Ph the same 6.5? My plants look nice. I have only been using bloom. I started out with the dust and 4-4-4. The rain...
  14. warble

    Help! I’m flowering the Mother.

    'Bout a pound. I reccomend waiting, but if that doesn't work you could try a time machine.
  15. warble

    Southern Califonia getting hit by some liquid sunshine, how are you prepping?

    My plants got beat up and soaked. Some yellowing on the leaves. I did get a wierd yellow leaf on that third picture. I did get to gather over a hundred gallons of rain.
  16. warble

    Oh no!

    Thirps probably. Diatomaceous earth, BT or neem oil could help.
  17. warble

    Transplanting problem

    Increase CO2. Spray the leaves with seltzer water. Add mycorrhiza or other beneficial bacteria like Recharge.
  18. warble

    Simple Mulch question?

    A half inch layer of perilite could help prevent gnats. I use BT and yellow sticky traps. It helps for a few days, but after a watering they come back. I spray again. Neem oil seems to knock them back longer, I just don't like the smell.
  19. warble

    A mix of smaller symptoms on leaves

    I'm not great at diagnosis. I try to grow more clones than I flower, so I can just start over. That being said, I think you have some nute issues. Some tip burn and center of the leaves burnt too. Those leaves look very dark. That to me would indicate too much nitrogen. I would try to lower the...