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  1. S

    Fabric Pots and Watering

    Totally get it. Live and learn mostly. Everyone thinks they’re just a weed but really they’re an annual and need lots of care! Don’t feed them either for a bit if they’re in nute rich soil. you’re doing good though. If they all keep growing you’ll need a bigger space lol
  2. S

    Any ideas or suggestions as to whats wrong?

    How big are the pots? almost thinking they could be under watered. I’ve had plants look overwatered that we’re actually under watered. Generally, leaves and plants look really healthy, just drooping. maybe do back the lights off and water
  3. S

    Seedlings browning

    It doesn’t really look nutrient related. Could be overwatering or lights are burning them a bit.
  4. S

    Fabric Pots and Watering

    Also don’t worry too much about underwatering. Young plants like these don’t drink very much.
  5. S

    Fabric Pots and Watering

    Ya nice set up. They look good. What’s your soil and are you feeding? I see the tips look a little burnt? Or maybe that’s just the picture.
  6. S

    Any ideas or suggestions as to whats wrong?

    Also, are they like that all throughout the day?
  7. S

    Any ideas or suggestions as to whats wrong?

    Interesting... what’s your soil mix? When you water is it draining well?
  8. S

    Seedlings browning

    How close is your light?
  9. S

    Any ideas or suggestions as to whats wrong?

    They look way overwatered to me. How often are you watering?
  10. S

    Fabric Pots and Watering

    Picture always helps too
  11. S

    Fabric Pots and Watering

    Feel the soil, feel by weight of the pot. Also the plants will tell you. If stems and leaves droop straight down, water more. If stems are straight and just the tips of the leaves droop, overwatering. Best to just learn as you go since everyone’s set up and plants are different.
  12. S

    Leaves canoeing

    They look overwatered. Stems are straight but leaves drooping is overwatering
  13. S

    Auto or mutant?

    Looks like a Ruderalis (auto) since each fan leaf only has three points and it flowered during a veg cycle
  14. S

    Nutrient burn???

    I’d say just keep doing what you’re doing. Like @dusty311 said, it’s normal for the larger leaves to begin to wilt during flowering.
  15. S

    Brown spot issue!

    Ya Cal-Mag should do the trick
  16. S

    What’s happening to my plant???

    Did you spray it and then leave it out in the sun?
  17. S

    What’s happening to my plant???

    hard to tell on yours. Might have burned it from the soap. Have you inspected the buds? Any rotting?
  18. S

    What’s happening to my plant???

    Looks more like a phosphorus deficiency to me.
  19. S

    Brown spot issue!

    Looks like it could be a calcium deficiency.