The people who "Sold",,,did not lose,,,They "Keep'd there loss in "other investment's in check",,,The small guy who bought cheap,,,made a profit,,,won,,,Silver is going to keep dropping,,,I predicted $25-35,,,But now it's going to much lower soon IMO,,,which is great for us "little Guy's",,,I...
I used to lay in the Back window of a Huge car,,,can't remeber the model,,,but had a 452 or someting like that,,,No problem's,,,but also the car was built like a Tank,,,for real. had the Lap belt's only that alway's got stuffed under the seat's. Now aday's car's are dangerous,,,and seat belt...
your hypocrite's If a REPUBLICAN,,,was in charge it would be a "monumental event",,,Democrate it's a "New Violation of freedom",,,Bullshit,,,Under obama the "Big target's",,,are getting dropped like flie's,,,instead of sacraficing innocent's and money,,,He was Born in America,,,He "Definatly was...
I Say yes,,,Because one time I got caught speeding well over in a residential neighborhood,,,Slip on my seat belt while getting pulled over,,,Long story short,,,The cop asked me if i was wearing my seat belt,,,Being honest I said no,,,came back with a $50 no seat belt ticket...
Man,,,I agree,,,This was the Longest most stressful,,,week for some reason,,,This One week seemed Like a Month?,,,Guess it's getting that time of year. Going to smoke,,,drink and chill at Home,,,aghhh,,,and get chinesse for a late dinner!
Right,,,Left,,,Liberal,,,Pot head,,,Drunk,,,Slut,,,you get it!,,,,I could not make a vote,,,Because I'm "Stupid",,,but a Yes or no is fine,,,Mod's can you make this voter booth work?,,,,,My answer is "Yes"......
Not sure about that?,,,Maybe mentally Ill,,,But there is a freedom of Medical record's act,,,and I just Don't think MMJ,,,Is part of that because "fire arm's are Federal",,,Marijihuhchi is still Illegal....Remeber?