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  1. Keighan

    Perpetual 4

    Blue Haze is a very promising strain, unlimited veg is a beautkful thing, in Maine we're allowed 12 veg plants over 12" tall which kind of stinks but in your case thts great especially for a perpetual, if you have enough light you could potentially put plants in that have vegged for 4-6 months...
  2. Keighan

    Dinafem blue kush

    Either way beautiful plant smoke was wonderul.
  3. Keighan

    Dinafem blue kush

    Even though the clones kept budding wjth no upward growth u der 18/6?
  4. Keighan

    Dinafem blue kush

    Came across it as a "clone" from another medical patient, it was practicly dead when I got it, but it ended up looking like the first picture at harvest, chopped a little early do to some insect issues and I didnt want them getting to her. I took 2 clones while it was in flower hoping. They both...
  5. Keighan

    Think i should flip?

    Decent hairs.
  6. Keighan

    Think i should flip?

    ? Its about 2.5 feet from soil.
  7. Keighan

    Think i should flip?

    Skunk plant, way ahead of my other plants, showing really nice long pre flower hairs, should I flip it?
  8. Keighan

    Perpetual 4

    Just the right timimg, you could get some heavy weight plants and do a 4 plant cycle every 8 weeks or a 2 plant cycle a month, hydro or soil, wouldnt matter.
  9. Keighan

    Hops anyone?

    I would like to start some see where it goes. Experiment maybe eventually.
  10. Keighan

    Light question

    Oh ok thanks man
  11. Keighan

    Light question

    Drop the mh?
  12. Keighan

    Light question

    Greatly apologize i fcked up wroting this post and smoking a bong forgot to attah picture.
  13. Keighan

    Light question

    250 wayy mh, have some 23 watt cfls hangig as you can see should I lower the mh?..
  14. Keighan

    Tissue culture and cannabis?

    And the new generation like me is beyond grateful for all of your "old timers" knowledge, Im constantly throwing my pride in the trash and asking questions or asking the local guerilla growers. Its a beautiful age og.
  15. Keighan

    Tissue culture and cannabis?

    My bad I was trying to explain my frustration without appearing as rude. Or atleaste as respectful as I feal I could be.
  16. Keighan

    Tissue culture and cannabis?

    Just saying dont care the reprecussion from this you are a very intelligent grower and alot have learned alot from you but youre seriously one of the few sore thumbs in this stoner idiolistic society we like to think of it as going against the grain and being a conceited douche frankly, ive seen...
  17. Keighan

    Why does my Amnesia look like this?

    Im in pro mix to with same problem. Other than i was using tap water messing em up
  18. Keighan

    Hops anyone?

    Looking into getting some hop rhizomes anyone ever grown them? Whats the time perios from rhizome to mature harvestable plant?
  19. Keighan

    Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields????

    So does defolation or removal of disfigured leaves in veg affect yield?
  20. Keighan

    Nirogen deficiency and?

    Been giving plain distilled water well see where there at in another week or two. No immediate response to change of water but over the last week ive seen some lighter greens, healthy looking new growth, and some leaf healing, but i feel most of the damage is done on the old growth. Think thats...