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  1. GoldenGanja13

    Im confused with this PRE-FLOWER JAZZ!??

    By the way, great tight nodes. Read up on FDD topping.
  2. GoldenGanja13

    Im confused with this PRE-FLOWER JAZZ!??

    Count 4 pics down. Now see that spur in node (long piece) behind it is the pre sex (plnt is mature) and that is a female.
  3. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    I no experience with it as yet. But I read a lot of organic growing (cannabis) mags and one of the ways to make a wonderful tea was to use fish emulsion. If you go organics, do not use chems at all. Also make sure to give them a soaking of compost tea once a week (if possible) or every other...
  4. GoldenGanja13


    I have one friend that has been cloning the same plant for over 10 years, really. It seems fine to me. I won't clone a clone more than 2-3 times. I prefer to get new strains. Also I have a friend that only takes cuts from flowering plants, why? I dunno. Those clones look like shit for the first...
  5. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    Going Organic has changed my life. My gardening skills have improved, potency is off the charts, as well as smells and flavors. Gardening is so much easier (once u understand organics). Too each is own (of course) and I have found my way in the garden.
  6. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    Here are a few pics of my organic skills. The weight is much much less, but the potency blows away anything I have done with chems, and the flavors are amazing ! People love my organics much much more because they smoke much much less and the high goes way further. They get more high for the $...
  7. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    Check this out, these picture's are using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and the whole FF line up including the soluble trio with an extremely high NPK AS u can see, serious weight is there. Potency was great, people said I had the best around and loved it . Flavors where fine.
  8. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    Hmmm well u see ( just chattin open ) when u flood a plant with high doses of chemicals and I mean a very high N-P--K and it only taking up a little of it being it has no choice, and that is why u must set the ph,bongsmilie (OG #18 organic) where was i ?and the plant will excel in yields and...
  9. GoldenGanja13

    Emerald Jack SMoke Report.....

    Soil yes, Pro Organic. Using Humboldts Naturals and Genisis.
  10. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    when I was chemicals in soil I was getting 5-7 oz per plant strong highs potent enough, but when I went organic I got 2-3 oz per plant but way more potent, and flavors I have never had before, plus the high last much longer. When using chemicals u are flooding the roots and they take up a very...
  11. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    When I was using chems, I would have to flush 9 days before harvest. But properly done every harvest and my smoke burned clean and not harsh.
  12. GoldenGanja13

    Chemical = more potent?

    Organics are more potent and longer lasting highs, and flavors are best. Chemicals just beef up bud size.
  13. GoldenGanja13

    Emerald Jack SMoke Report.....

    Excited and can't wait for smoke report. Here is my Emerald Jack on day 39, well a bud shot~
  14. GoldenGanja13

    Do You Believe In Ghosts?

    Watch the program then decide.
  15. GoldenGanja13

    Do You Believe In Ghosts?

    This was a good one ~ also this one, watched it last night. next showing Jul 08, 5:00 am (60 minutes) New research is discovering that thoughts can fly across space and that we all may be part of a global consciousness...
  16. GoldenGanja13

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    Emerald Jack at day 39~
  17. GoldenGanja13

    Organic Bud Porn ~2011 Kick Off

    Super Sour OG Kush day 39
  18. GoldenGanja13

    Urgent Help! Plants Might Be Dead!

    This is a strong possibility
  19. GoldenGanja13

    Spray Bottle Question

    U can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
  20. GoldenGanja13

    Attitude average time to deliver?

    I have ordered from the Tude and only the Tude for the last 3 years and several times a year. My average time was 7-10 days here in Oregon. One time I had no package so I waited for the 20 days they ask you to wait, then contacted Raechel and she got back to me the next day and fixed it all with...