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  1. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    Still better than being a Hillary supporter
  2. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    I am not blaming the victim. If I was raped I wouldn't keep attending rape parties. His ex wife and jill harth are not Katie Johnson, who we are discussing. Thanks for bringing them to my attention I will google them. These settlements are for rape? Can you give me some links? When did she say...
  3. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    I did not hear her name in the video. at what point does she say it? I googled her. The case has been thrown out before. Reporters that talk to her say she can't get her story straight. Why keep attending parties where your raped... If Trump settled the rape case like Bill does his then I...
  4. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump: I lied for 5+ years about a racist conspiracy theory

    Obama is racist against black people.
  5. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    What is her name then?
  6. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    A women with no name, her face blocked, and voice covered, LMAO. Obviously an actor. For all we know that could even be a tranny. What is her name? was anything settled out of court? Proof? Some proof that Trump is racist would be great also. Not wanting terrorists and illegals is not racist...
  7. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    lmao just noticed beard
  8. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    Its still better than being a Hillary supporter.
  9. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    Every time a Hillary supporter talks that's what I picture. Funny how autocorrect keeps changing Hitlary to hillary.
  10. Marijuana Mercenary

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    Your outdoors are way ahead of mine. Mine started budding 2 weeks ago. Red Dragon. Very nice plants! Keep up the good work, Michigan needs growers like you.
  11. Marijuana Mercenary

    Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary

    I feel the same thing he does, except on Hitlary Cunton. Her husband is a rapist and she's a mass murderer.
  12. Marijuana Mercenary

    Round 2 of auto blueberry

    I could be, and am all the time, wrong but it looks like they are getting a lot of nitrogen by the dark green color of the leaves. I would make nutrient feedings more spaced out. Autos overdose easy I overdosed half my crop recently lol. Very nice plant for 14 days.
  13. Marijuana Mercenary

    Can you tell from this photo if this plant is male or female yet?

    I am not sure if you can fully tell sex before going into bud. In my experience it takes a couple weeks in bud to start showing.
  14. Marijuana Mercenary

    Is this N deficiency?

    Hell yeah man that's pretty badass. Puts your skills to good use, I am sure you could market it also if your prototype does well. I have a similar problem when starting crops. I try to veg seedlings in a tray for a week before I transfer to the sytem so the taproot hangs into the water.
  15. Marijuana Mercenary

    Can you tell from this photo if this plant is male or female yet?

    Those prong like things show that it is sexually mature, I believe. As for male or female I am not sure. All fems seem to have them though...
  16. Marijuana Mercenary

    Michigan Senate Bill 813 Recreational

    Sounds like a better deal for the people than a lot of others have proposed.
  17. Marijuana Mercenary

    Round 2 of auto blueberry

    I have been hearing a lot of good things about this Mephisto.