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  1. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    Honestly. I think it sucks that people who have never shown the ability to grow can get rep by just saying whatever they think people want to hear, rather than demonstrating skill in what we do here. People like that dilute the value of the rep system as it was intended. who live like this?
  2. GrowTech

    Bud drying fast

    you can buy a cheap thermom/hygrometer for like $7.00 at walgreens on rose
  3. GrowTech

    Bud drying fast

    word! well... you can try to cure it now... if you find that there is too much moisture you can leave the curing jar open longer. but you really want to avoid it being too moist from the get go. its really hard to tell without actually being able to touch the buds myself, but what I think is...
  4. GrowTech

    Bud drying fast

    I'm in The O.
  5. GrowTech

    Bud drying fast

    Wait until the stem gives a snap. This would be the appropriate time to begin curing. Hope some of that makes it down to my part of the 805 :)
  6. GrowTech

    Upload Denied?

    I will forward this to the admin.
  7. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    Maybe one day one of your reps will say "Thanks for help with <insert plant problem here>" :weed:
  8. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    This is the negative rep thread. You should create a different thread for that. :lol:
  9. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    90% of my rep is from helping people.... Not the threads I make... SOME of it came from my DIY guide threads on the DIY section of our site... I give more rep than I receive. As usual. But does 100% activity give you some sort of rep multiplier I didn't know about?
  10. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    It's called Toke N Talk. :?
  11. GrowTech


    I forgot too... Doesnt matter though because this is home now :)
  12. GrowTech


    It would be cool to see who I've referred... :lol: Always wondered.
  13. GrowTech

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    and I am inclined to believe that if her units didnt kick ass, she wouldnt be sending demos to mods on forums. Let me know if you ever want a mod here to test your units :) I would gladly share a journal to disprove the bullshit some people perpetuate.
  14. GrowTech

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    Why are you in here being a troll? If you don't like LEDs stay the hell out. I've been using them for vegging my plants prior to putting them into my HPS flower room, and they seem to work just fine for me. There are LED units that work, but just as LEDGirl said before, that cheap chinese crap...
  15. GrowTech

    Negative Rep

    yeah... i never understood why people ASK why they got negative rep when they can just view the post where they were talking shit to someone else. who live like this
  16. GrowTech

    Even the AP is Bashing Obama

    "What else can we blow tax payer money on?"
  17. GrowTech

    What Is The Output Of A...

    Definitely not this thread.
  18. GrowTech

    Hey Rollitup or Mods...

    Whoever would be activating those accounts would have a very busy job :lol: ;)
  19. GrowTech [site seems to be having problems]

    I have not experienced a single issue today. :)
  20. GrowTech

    Naked Dudes and Rotten Grills? WTF

    If you don't like seeing the advertisements I recommend you find out about registering for an elite membership... Additionally, pornographic content is not allowed here as it is not relevant to the websites theme or the demographic that we are marketable to. If you're looking to post porn...