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  1. GrowTech

    I am disappointed in Rollitup

    I've looked you up and have unbanned you from the chat. Please let me know who keeps banning you... if you can join the live chat now to confirm that you can get in, it would be appreciated.
  2. GrowTech

    I am disappointed in Rollitup

    Who is the user who is banning you? Also, you could have PM'd me if you needed help, as my signature suggests. Get back to me about who is banning you and i'll get it worked out.
  3. GrowTech

    Guitar Players Thread

    metallica and avenged are my favorites... syns guitar solos are fucking awesome.
  4. GrowTech

    Tools of the trade!

    How is plasma more efficient than the alternatives?
  5. GrowTech

    Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!

    That kid has been banned for the past half hour guys... :lol: :roll:
  6. GrowTech

    I just got straight jacked

    I dunno, I never spoke to em after they said they were cops... Cops are bad... Cops on coke are worse.
  7. GrowTech

    I just got straight jacked

    A few years ago I got into a car with a couple of people I didn't know... did some coke with them, and then they turned around and told me that they were cops. :lol:
  8. GrowTech

    Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!

    I'm beginning to suspect paranoia.
  9. GrowTech

    I just got straight jacked

    Maybe you need to analyze the situations you're putting yourself into... I'm sure doing a few things differently tonight probably would have promised a different ending to the night.
  10. GrowTech

    Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!

    Well don't go getting yourself banned now. :lol:
  11. GrowTech

    talkin to cops while high

    sweet! most of y'all are about to find out what infractions are! :)
  12. GrowTech

    I just got straight jacked

    i almost got into a fist fight with two mexican dudes today... some people need to lay off the tecate. :lol:
  13. GrowTech

    Idiots on the forum in full force tonight!

    gotta love when someone takes an opportunity to be helpful and just wastes it on being a jackass. nice thread. :roll:
  14. GrowTech

    What is your Zombie contigency plan?

    I'm not giving away my fool-proof plan :lol:
  15. GrowTech

    Can't we all just fight?

    yeah I agree. thread is a fail... and being insulting to the people who reply to this thread isn't going to earn you many points... if you want i'll close it and we'll just pretend it never happened :lol:
  16. GrowTech

    smokin honeyoil question

    knife hits will be fine... here's another way to do it. 05BhBIBg0pQ
  17. GrowTech

    you wont beleave this

    haha, he also had dudes plant by the balls for a second too! :lol:
  18. GrowTech

    GrowTechs New 2000W Parabolic Perpetual SOG

    Yeah there's a little heat produced by them, the small confined little veg area the LED system is in doesn't get over 80F... I run the LED unit 24/7 over the vegging plants.