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  1. zhn0k

    i like picking fleas

    ...pfft. 10char.
  2. zhn0k

    i like picking fleas

    you're all some boring & angry stoners. i thought cannabis-use was about peace and open-mindedness. oh yeah -- humans unfortunately lie to themselves. man, i miss the 90s where tongue & cheek humor was alive and well.
  3. zhn0k

    buckethead's shredding style

    bump. i'm drunk.
  4. zhn0k

    Just witnessed a friend die

    sorry if i sound like a dick -- but that's what happens when you get emotionally attached to stray animals.
  5. zhn0k

    i like picking fleas

    there's something about picking fleas off my animals and popping 'em on a hard surface with my finger-nail and hearing that, "snap" sound -- along with the bloody-pus that squirts out of it. ...and especially the fat ones that are deeply burrowed in the skin... it really makes my mouth watery!
  6. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  7. zhn0k

    70% of Americans on at least 1 prescription

    each month, i'm prescribed 120 30 mg of adderall ir 90 2 mg of xanax 30 30mg of temazepam 90 350 mg of soma 60 150 mg of lyrica. LIFE'S GREAT -- MAN.
  8. zhn0k

    bye bye freedom...

    i had sex with a 15 year old asian girl when i was 19. that vagina will forever be memorable.
  9. zhn0k

    Any of you stoners like to read?

    only when i'm high on adderall.
  10. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  11. zhn0k

    worst drug youve ever done

    jenkem nig/char
  12. zhn0k


  13. zhn0k

    i like dog meat.

    i like dog meat.
  14. zhn0k

    another one from the philippines

    no -- but i do enjoy dog adobo and cat pancit every now and then.
  15. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  16. zhn0k

    First Success- Second Success - Third - imminent failure!! =(

    i'm sorry about your problems... you must be very stressed... hopefully this photo will provide some form of relief.
  17. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  18. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  19. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  20. zhn0k

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS
