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  1. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Bigger, yes. SS wetted... Nope. I'm not scared of a lil brass. Bflex. Its all good. My only expectation is that you post some pics of your build. Maybe somethin I can borrow from you.
  2. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Schucks is where I found my digi air pressure gauge. I dunno about your choice of water guages. I had a cheapo one fail on me though. Amazon wika fluid filled 4". Mine was only $30, and looks/is badass.
  3. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Bob smith used that same pump in his setup, and if I remember right, it was loud as hell. Even my 60 psi sureflo is pretty noisy. The aquatec is pretty much silent. I'll never buy another sureflo.
  4. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I run a 19 gallon flotec at 100 psi. That's what it was tested to, and I try not to let it get over. Been working for months now, and was only $170.
  5. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Naw, I got a widow in dwc that is looking hella good. It was that clone I got to root from a nug. I'm not talkin late flower, I mean I chopped, and thought, what the hell? I'm gonna take cuts in the next week or so for zero turnaround in my rig, hopefully. This strain will show off my hard work...
  6. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I've also found that experimentation is the only real way to quench my thirst. A month ago, I completely cut out the root mat at the bottom of one chamber, and left the other alone. I cant see a noticable dif, or def, lol. Really has me second guessing things.
  7. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Naw, those look pretty much look like mine early in. I found that in the earlier stages, longer in times are necessary for healthy plants. It wasn't until a month or so in, was I able to back down the timing to get serious fuzz. That could have alot to do with me & my lack of experience. I know...
  8. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Some pics. I think next time around I'm gonna have to add a second set of nozzles at the bottom to activate when roots take control of the top. Something you might appreciate... I cut my tap roots off the plant on the right a month ago, and left the other alone. No difference that I can see...
  9. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    You'd know if your bladder popped. I guess in a smaller tank, it's not as big a deal. I know that in my 19 gallon tank, being 10 lbs under on the air side, meant that I was pumping almost a gallon more than I thought into the bladder. I would Think that if I only had 40 lbs of air pressing on my...
  10. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I guess I am pretty conflicted. My setup is so small, that I think it would be a waste of resources to waste time on me, but I don't wanna get to careless either. I actually deleted my photos day before yesterday. :) Bflex: Sorry if it sounded like I was taking a shot at you earlier. Sounds...
  11. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    You will pop that bladder the first time you try to fill it if you don't put a higher air charge on it. You'll want to set you're air pressure to 2 psi below your pressure switches cut in pressure. You may consider doing a little more reading up on the subject, as not only are you risking...
  12. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Just wanna say, I love my pressure switch! Don't know why I waited so long to use one. I know it's not really supposed to work this way, but my tank never drops below 95 psi. Even though my cut in is set at 80, the solenoid kick dips the needle enough at around 95 to send the pump pumping. In my...
  13. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I don't really have heat problems, but corrugated plastic is sweet. I don't think my choice of lighting is bad. 400 hort MH, and 600 hort Hps for flower. I'm gonna stick with shitty genes. =)
  14. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    This late harvest clone is coming along nicely. Pic came out great! Like the heavens are shining down upon this lovely plant. I'm thinking I will let her go in a dwc w/air stones. I'll be able to see how it performs, and in a little over a month get clones primed for next go around.
  15. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I might be able to do that. I can tell you that I'm not pleased with the strain/genetics. It's thin, and doesn't grow very vigorously. I've done my best to top it, and strech it out in the scrog net, but she better be a performer in the late stages cause I'm not impressed. You ever thought...
  16. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I'm not entirely sure what the root zone temp is. I assume that it's pretty close to what the outside temp is. It's fairly chilly weather where I'm at. I keep a heater mounted about 5' high. Keeps the lower half of my room 10-15 degrees cooler than the top. Works great. I'm having to do some...
  17. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I thought I'd give a reply to that recent hp aero/debate vid. Startin to zz top.
  18. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    That's pretty badass. I hate when I think I have an original idea. When you're at HD, check in the corrugated roofing isle for this new greenhouse material. It's clear/blue, thick, and had bigger channels. Its not in every market, and is spend, but it is some cool material.
  19. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I'm here another two weeks. I use politco signs, lol. HD has small sheets of it. I've seen 4 x 8 sheets online, but shipping would likely be a bitch on something like that. Glad to hear ya trying this. I think it should work. I experimented with a small piece, and had some issues with water...
  20. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Wow. That's cool, but it really doens't have to be that much work. Mine took like 3 minutes. 1.5 gallon pail.