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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Buck, from my reading here is what I saw. Dr.K found the following information and cited it... Water vapor makes up 10 times more of the atmosphere than co2. Water vapor is more effective at trapping ir than co2. Now, both of those are given as fact by the information Dr.K linked to. So...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    This has been a thorough ass whooping. Well done Dr.K. I don't share your belief that climate change is fiction, but I've never seen such a lopsided argument.
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    impeach obama petition

    Funny, the guy was calling me an idiot for stating as fact something that was indeed true and you accept as true. How big of an idiot is Padawanbater2? The truth is ambiguous. Endorsed a factually incorrect statement. You lent your name to the statement. You chose a side.
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    impeach obama petition The last post of page three is me saying water vapor trapped heat. On page 4 Padawanbater2 said I was an idiot for thinking this and didn't know how science worked. UncleBuck liked the post, a fairly...
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    impeach obama petition

    Joe Biden is impeachment insurance. Although arguably any executive action that lead to impeachment could also include the VP. That puts John Behynor (sp?) In the Oval Office. I think he might be one of the dumbest men that has ever had a R next to his name.
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    impeach obama petition

    A while back I mentioned in a thread that water vapor was a potent greenhouse gas. The standard AGW crew, of which I think you were a part, made fun of me for saying that water vapor had a greenhouse effect. At least you currently acknowledge that it is a GH gas.
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    Obama now negotiates with terrorists

    Doer, you should know that liberals never let the truth get into the way of their attacks on republicans. Particularly ones that made them look a fool when they were alive, such as reagan.
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    Equal Rights vs Equal Pay

    Costco may pay their employees a generous wage, the problem is they outsource a lot of their in store positions. Their sub contractors are not paid quite as well.
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    How to run for congress

    Robert Byrd and some other Democrats who gave very backhanded compliments to Obama that were very racially insensitive.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I've known several people the world considers scientists. Their main goal is accuracy. They will/might exaggerate, or stretch the truth, but they don't lie about their data, as a rule. Pilt Down Man (or whatever/ however it's spelled) ruined and discredited an entire generation of scientists...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    The bit about man made co2 being lighter was simple, but I doubt he would make that claim if untrue. There is certainly more to it. I don't have anything to gain or lose by climate change. I've been paying more attention to it lately. I think it is overblown with respect to the consequences...
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    How to run for congress

    Find like minded individuals, collect signatures, organize via social media, ask for money.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I'm more on your side on this issue than not; how does that make you feel? Is global warming now a racist issue?
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Comparing the validity of statements made on "the walking dead" zombie series with something said by one of the leading scientific minds in the world on an information based show is something I would expect from buck.
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    A question for Libertarians.

    Negative. A prostitute at a brothel is not much different than a waitress at a restaurant. You enter the establishment, select your order, pay the owner.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Each molecule of co2 will stay in the atmosphere longer than any given water molecule. But you can't be that stupid. Water is a cycle. It is constantly being evaporated off of all bodies of water and vegetation gives off water also. So the molecules don't hang out as long, but there is...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Red, volcanicc Neil Tyson De Grass said it on this week's episode of Cosmos.
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    How to run for congress

    Whore yourself out to the largest industry in your district.
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    A question for Libertarians.

    In places where prostitution is legal, is it within the rights (as you would have them) of a prostitute to refuse to accept black clients?
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    Politics section getting a little radical

    The op us ultimate troll proofing this thread. It's about being off topic, so no matter what anyone posts, you can't go off topic. Brilliant!