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  1. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

    Yea "That's Fair and a Lie"....WTF are you sayin'?
  2. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

    Yea I see a "Librealtarian",,,A True one...What is next that you have no chance in the "Republican Party",,,Ohhhh,,,Independent,,,Your vote count's for nothing,,,Who's side you on,,,i know....I am the "Almighty,,,smoked out drunk,,,for tonightbongsmilie:eyesmoke:,,,
  3. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

    Yea,,,It's because he's A Black Demorat,,,and not a WASP...The only thing worse would be a Muslim Democrat president!,,,,Oh wait some think he already is!!!!
  4. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama is going to use the UN to take away American gun rights

    I'm only worried about the person trying to break into my house,,,How ever that happen's,,,...I guess i'll be going out in a "Blaze of Glory". I'm a Pro-Gun liberal...Go figure. But I don't hun't,,,Just enjoy shooting...
  5. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Obama is going to use the UN to take away American gun rights

    Sound's to me That the NRA is drumming up a war call that,,,again is unjustified,,,Just vote GOP,,,and you can have your Gun's,,,Vote Dem's and you lose your right's:wall:,,,Hope you all like giving your contribution's for them cool looking sticker's:roll:,,,Gun's and ammo are not in danger in...
  6. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Looks Like Obama is Finished.

    You have to understand,,,The GOP,,,Will find anything on any Dem,,,and and that is there strategy to win. Kinnda like a gangbang they get off on it. lol. The dem's don't do that because they can not keep up with all the crap the GOP does and they cannot figure what is worse,,,because there is...
  7. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Who are the Wealthy? Who are the Poor? Goberment please enlighten us.

    Lol,,,Ya know doubt,,,It's all who and how much you have,,,They will put em' on a cart and cater to you every need if you "have",,,If not you are serious trouble and see you in the "Pen".... Florida has serious problem's! There "State",,,Government is Really corrupt in a Bad way.
  8. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pre-1982 penny's?

    I did not mean to "deface or melt coin's",,,who know's or care's about the difference?
  9. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pre-1982 penny's?

    I did not say anything about Defacing anything,,,Kinnda like pre-64 silver coin's,,,i think in the future the "value",,,Will be adjusted.
  10. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Pre-1982 penny's?

    Am i crazy to seperate and save all my 95% copper penny's? What are your thought's,,,I know melting is no longer an option,,,But damn,,,The metal value is awsome:hump:,,,I sort all my penny's and save em" do you?
  11. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    The only "Silver you should invest in is money",,,and has a "Value" to it,,,Even if just a "Dollar"!
  12. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Who are the Wealthy? Who are the Poor? Goberment please enlighten us.

    Well your innsurance company might require it?,,,
  13. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Who are the Wealthy? Who are the Poor? Goberment please enlighten us.

    Yea that's messed up,,,I heard Florida is really cracking down on "Prescription",,,Med's big time just heard it on the "radio",,,I go there often,,,Thankl Goodness i don't live there,,,I was worried the first time I got health innsurance a long time ago when I had to piss in a cup,,,but learned...
  14. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Should Flashing Your Headlights To Warn Drivers About Cops Ahead Be Illegal?

    Florida Is stupid when it come's to law's,,,and He has a damn good case and hope he win's! When cop's set up speed trap's or have cop's deal illegal drug's and prostitution,,,That's entrapment IMO...Kinnda like fishing for the weak fish. Trucker's have cb's and alway's give bear report's and...
  15. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Confessions Of An Angry Liberal

    Sound's like she need's to find a job she Like's,,,You will never be happy unless you like what your doing,,,Sound's like she feel's trapped in a dead end job with a shitty employer,,,I can kinnda understand but damn,,,...She also sound's like a "Tea-Partier",,,bitching about Taxes lol.
  16. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Who are the Wealthy? Who are the Poor? Goberment please enlighten us.

    If you did not sign a Form and go through the whole drug testing proceedure,,,which is Requiered,,,It was not a drug test. If they just made you piss in a cup and pass it thru the little door all there testing is Sugar level's etc...Not drug's.
  17. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1


    I Love camping ,,,Just can't wait to do it again.....Man "Relax',,,Fish,,,Drink,,,smoke,,Relax,,,Cook,,,ETC......:peace:
  18. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The left is losing more and more young voters everyday

    Yea,,, I'm a good servan't...Thank's for the thank's....But I prefere,,,"Sincarity".....:clap::peace:,,,Did not mean the clap,,but can't get rid of it...Like AC/DC shit wtf...