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  1. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Take A Crack At This Question:

    It's used by the people that created whatever the fuck you think is valuable in your pathetic life. Stripper's and Oil,,,Drug,,,and every country in the world Dumbass....Let's see when I grow up i wanna live in "Cambodia",,,,
  2. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Most Likely To Win

    Well "Obama",,,Was the biggest "Compramiser That I Have Ever lived through,,,That was his down fall when The dem's controlled congrees,,,Now see what happen when the "Republican's" conrol the House,,,,Nothing,,,,Thank you you un- conpremising,,,Dick head Republican asshole's.,,,I mean...
  3. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Take A Crack At This Question:

    Wow,,,I guess none of you Hater's use dollars,,,If you don't know what it is you must not be an 'American",,,maybe a forigner trying to overthough the USA,,,Must be fucking dictator's,,or Facist's,,,,Well Fuck you then and give me your worthless dollar's,,Asshole's.
  4. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Let's Invade Venezuela

    Oh,,, Ok Canada,,,Supplie's the US... Without Canada we'd be done...Gottcha. I Don't know of anything made in canada?,,,Except cheap pine tree's!,,,Guess we need to shut don free trade so you stop stealing all our "Hardwood's",,,But we have "Real bacon",,,and If the US economy really fuck's up...
  5. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Most Likely To Win

    Age has relavence,,,He already has Blue hair,,,,What color whould his veins turn? Every president I ever saw come's in with dark hair and turn's grey shortly after,,,His heart will give out and he would have a "Republican",,,Vice president.,,,I would not wan't that he is too Old.....Period.....
  6. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What you don't know about Gaddafi

    Yea I thought the same thing as a teenager,,,But now I've grown up.
  7. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What About The Reading Boys?

    I Think the "Right",,,want's to tell US what we can and can't read now...i think that's called censorship,,,but they are the biggest hypocrite's out there. Guess he should read "Palin's" Book on the can instead of comic strip's. That would be OK.
  8. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Beastie bloomz!

    I use the full line,,,still work's and don't wanna change what i know how to use for differnt varietie's good stuff IMO. Good luck growing.
  9. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What you don't know about Gaddafi

    Yea Europe,,Does have more experience in war,,,Also look how young the USA is compared,,,We were also the shit that the UK droped off in the America's,,,But I'm proud " The shit",,, fought the Elite and became independent,,,and have been A powerhouse ever sense. We a...
  10. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The Mooch

    All I Remeber from "Bush",,,Was war's,Katrina,Patriot act,Paranoia,and him alway's being on his "Ranch",,,In texas,,,and a whole lot of Drama....People Like him don't fare well at "Martha's vineyard"....Thank God....LOL...
  11. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What About The Reading Boys?

    Yea I heard the "Religious freak's",,,saying the hurricaine was hitting the east coast cause of all the Liberal's...Well what the fuck is the drought doing to Texas than lol...Oh yea :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger: Too.;-)
  12. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Let's Invade Venezuela

    Who are you to make desision's,,,lol,,,"The Tea-Party",,,LOL...and again i say you have no right to represent Janice,,,she would roll over in her grave knowing you are a fan with you Idiotolgy views!
  13. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Let's Invade Venezuela

    Let's see we are talking a couple hunded year's ago,,,I know you conservative Republican's or what ever you label yourselve's now would love to go back in time but the fact is,,,The US has the most powerful techonology to wipe anyone's ass of the map at anytime,,,So I really have no fear of...
  14. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    It's Class Warfare Alright.

    Yea,,, Your right,,,People are not investing in bussiness because of all the uncertainity,,,But they are sure investing a lot of money to lobbyist. Your right they want the profit on there term's,,,Fuck regulation,,,Fuck minimum wage,,,fuck worker's right's,,,You work as a slave to what the job...
  15. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What you don't know about Gaddafi

    Oh wait I'm high,,,But I Like "Obama",,,So i'd fight for him,,,He is my prsident and I like him. not china,,,Not the UK,,,Not the Republican party or tea party or whatever,,,Yes Im a Liberal Demorcat,,,But I can Be conservative and a Kind heart! I would kill for freedom unlike most of the world.
  16. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The cops have unmanned drones

    Fuck you!,,,dick smoker....
  17. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    The cops have unmanned drones

    I say be smart,,Not scared and come up with a defense...Do not be intiminated and fight for your right's. If not you deserve to be busted.
  18. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What you don't know about Gaddafi

    I'long run no hate to anyone Im toking now I hear ya,,,Trucking now kinnda a streesful life,,,Never had a silver spoon but work really hard for what i have and protect and teach my kids to know right from wrong,,,Just because I dis-agree with your remarks on most thing's in reality we could end...
  19. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    Ron Paul The New Messiah?

    I agree with op,,,,JOKE,,,Old fart fucking up the alrady fucked up party. the Republican's. Keep on Ron paul...where is Sara Palin,,,She is just as funny.
  20. PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

    What you don't know about Gaddafi

    I'm armed and dangerous with Gun's so that would be a different scenario,,,cause the USA allows Gun's,,,Unlike the UK pussies.