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  1. high|hgih

    feeling good on clonazepam

    I used to have a terrible addiction to all Benzos. Mainly etizolam, flubromazolam and clonazolam.. Then with nifoxipam, aprazolam, diazapam, lorazepam and clonazepam in between.. I quit cold turkey a month or two ago because of felony and the cops taking my entire stash of them along with a...
  2. high|hgih

    feeling good on clonazepam

    Clonazepam will definitely put a stop to tripping.. Lol If you take 20 at once you'll trip so hard that you wake up with a felony and a car in your bedroom
  3. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    Well, with smoking it I usually don't. Or it's for the sake of showing someone else.. Or Just because I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Just kinda fun and definitely when I'm tripping haha back when dmt crystals were 'impossible to find', I Would have an intention, and it's...
  4. high|hgih

    What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

    I smell doughnuts and boogers. I guess I always smell boogers. Their smell is hardly recognizable anymore. Not even sure what kyanite is, neato(: quartz is an awesome stone! Same with tourmaline I don't even own any tourmaline though for some reason haha I should get a green one since I lost my...
  5. high|hgih

    What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

    Mmmm. Shrooms. Just moved into a new place, definitely gonna start some truffles up! As far as the rocks, heatless, you got it right! Magic surely isn't there without belief. That's what it's all about. Got a lapuz in me pocket. I'm about to take a bite out of it the peyotes got me we todd ed
  6. high|hgih

    What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

    Curious. The first time that I ever dabbled with rocks effects of consciousness was at a peyote ceremony about a year ago. We had to go around the circle and explain what our intention in taking the peyote was. Whether we said it or not, it didn't matter. The reasoning was to contemplate it...
  7. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    :spew: What?!
  8. high|hgih

    DMT sounds mind blowing

    In my experience, the best way is a rig. I had a few grams a couple months back and blasted off pretty regularly. I used a crack pipe too but that was for mobile use while I was shroomin or on lsd being an adventurer. When those are in your system you don't need much haha Plus doing it while...
  9. high|hgih


    Yessss! Haha we were throwing whites, greens, reds all into our alcohol and straining it. Huge difference honestly. I specifically like green strains just because any opiate stimulates me. For instance I cannot sleep on any opiate. Unless I'm nodding which isn't 'my cup of tea'. Anyways, green...
  10. high|hgih


    In my honest experience. And I've experimented with a lot of extraction methods(obviously tea isn't an 'extraction' but regardless, the water grabs the alkaloids right? :p) Alcohol. Kratom shot. Add a couple tablespoons of kratom into a cup. Add vodka or something a cm or so passed it. Mix...
  11. high|hgih


    Mixing strains seems to up the kick of it all. Haha Mmmmmm. God dammit I'm tempted to just buy some right now but I'm in a bit of a mulah situation.
  12. high|hgih


    I haven't used them yet, but people on reddit use that as their go to saying that the quality is great. And if I'm not mistaken, it's domestic. I'm going to buy a kilo in a couple weeks so I'll let you know. Good thing about them is you don't have a $99 minimum like bikhuk. Also I've used bikhuk...
  13. high|hgih

  14. high|hgih


    Are they cheaper than $100/kilo?
  15. high|hgih

    acid and xanax combo

    Thanks man (: it's been a rough ride but it's getting sooooooo much better haha Benzos will do that to ya! Poor guy a seizure on acid would suck. I had quit cold turkey 4 days prior because of cops taking my entire stash of pills. Have a pending felony for that Shit.. Between that, a near fatal...
  16. high|hgih

    acid and xanax combo

    They definitely contribute. I had a problem with pharms because my girlfriend would come home with big amounts of dilaudid, morphine, xanax, valium, klonopin, oxycodone, hydro, aderall.. You name it. Not to mention my permanent stash of eti-, clonazolam, flubromazolam.. Anyway we both decided to...
  17. high|hgih

    acid and xanax combo

    I used to get chronic brain zaps. Intense stuff. Feels like you are getting struck my lightning. You can hear it as well. As for xanax and lsd combination.. Lovely. I do it all the time. Haven't had a brain zap in awhile. Just finished my lsd yesterday though and have been putting an effort...
  18. high|hgih

    Anything similar to ambien?

    There's a vice documentary on ambien and some people have this disease where they can't talk at all(they sound retarded. Kind of like me when I take too much ambien haha) then they take 10mg and can talk like normal. Bizarre because 10mg ambien in combination with lsd is the best. I can actually...
  19. high|hgih


    It does help withdrawal, not sure how good though seeming as I've never really had a ridiculous opiate withdrawal. I'd get it from buy-kratom. From bikhuk it'll take 2 weeks to get here from indo. I used to always use bikhuk and just found a thread on reddit where everyone was talking highly of...
  20. high|hgih

    LSD and strange behavior?

    No medication, although a lot of the time an acid trip also entails copious amounts of alcohol. I bought a half sheet maybe a couple of weeks after I made this thread and we ended up eating about half of it through time.. We've eaten it a lot. Strong Shit too. But this hasn't happened since. I...