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  1. high|hgih

    is ambien any good?

    You know, I had never heard of temazepam and then I found a prescription of 14/30mg capsules in a trash can(xD) Looked it up, found out what it was, popped 60mg and that stuff is a very neat benzo. I noticed even at pretty high dosages, the music would sound better, I'd sink into fluffiness...
  2. high|hgih

    first songs

    Ever listen to The Tear Garden? It's cEvin Key from Skinny Puppy and one of the dudes from Pink Dots.
  3. high|hgih

    first songs

    Wait................... ................what do you mean you're not a fan of the beatles? :p That's a good band for NO2 if I haven't ever seen one And skinny puppy at 12? Nice. Haha
  4. high|hgih

    first songs

    The first song I listened to was running through my head(not playing out loud) in the bathroom as I sat criss-crossed and stared at the wall in amazement that my mind could do such an amazing thing. It was this weird, traditional Italian song that I heard from Dead Can Dance.
  5. high|hgih

    Best RC's that are still legal in the unites states?

    Huh? just go to it, I don't think you have to do anything. I had a package of etizolam seized probably 3 weeks ago. One site was having a 50% off deal for it because no one will carry it anymore due to new laws about it. Sad :( Do they seize things just if it looks like drugs? I know my buddy...
  6. high|hgih

    Best RC's that are still legal in the unites states?

    BK-2c-b has a euphoria that I love. there's a thread on it if you find it not too far down.. google: buy bk-2c-b, then keep clicking on ones and then checking their rating on safeorscam
  7. high|hgih

    Best RC's that are still legal in the unites states?

    Also you know there's always.. Kratom Ayahuasca Kava Kava HBWR Mescaline cacti There's local drug dealers too!
  8. high|hgih

    Best RC's that are still legal in the unites states?

    methoxphenidine bk-2c-b AL LAD(maybeeee) flubromazepam deschloroetizolam methoxmetamine dextromethorphan diphenidine diclazepam ethylphenidate ... There's so many. Here's my source:
  9. high|hgih

    Calea zacatechichi (dream herb)

    Might as well, it's so cheap. It's nothing toooo special though in my opinion. there is something about it being smoked while I am tripping though.. It's strange. Can't really describe the effects, but that was worth doing. As far as dreaming, it works sometimes for me. For others it may work...
  10. high|hgih

    Calea zacatechichi (dream herb)

    It does that! It really does work, my friends and I get a weird buzz off of it though. It makes you not want to move, and feel stoney and relaxed. But we do blast bong bowls.
  11. high|hgih


    You're a burrito bandit.. I will just disguise it into a burrito and you will eat it on sight. Dank burritos come from these hands. It was gifted to me by witches on my porch last night.
  12. high|hgih

    BK-2c-b thread

    Someone like you shouldn't touch it then. But you know all the advice I'm sure, you have to actually want to, and do it. And after awhile you'll notice the benefits.. Most of my heroin friends won't stop and they've tried so many times. Whenever they stop for awhile, they just do it again at...
  13. high|hgih


    haven't you ever heard of the bear method? rip those leaves right out of the ground, and chew them with a solution of sodium hydroxide and naptha. Make sure that your mouth has been slowly mixed and then sat still. Then absorb the bottom-most layer through your mouth tubes, out of your nose...
  14. high|hgih

    BK-2c-b thread

    I've had opanas before. Fantastic :) Totally agree with that lol not to mention the couple times they gave me hydromorphone at the hospital. It's not cheap to people who abuse it, it's crazy how what does is for me is an 1/8 of a raw button if even that and they'll sit there and bang 4. I do...
  15. high|hgih

    how much are 5mg valuims?

    Jesus, Rory. I was gonna say weigh them, that's what I used to do with etizolam because I'd have a few thousand of them. Good money maker back when I was in the food industry ;) Bar fiend: What is etizolam? Me: It's like xanax, $2 a piece Bar fiend: Thank god, my girl has been fuckin with me...
  16. high|hgih

    couple questions on HBWR...

    Last night we did some, it had been awhile! Liberties got it right, I've used lemon juice and I feel like it does work.
  17. high|hgih

    I want to learn more about Kratom

    That's pretty neat! Have you gotten any potent kratom from your grows?
  18. high|hgih

    how much are 5mg valuims?

    The heron flies around every now and then.. Never had trouble collecting its feathers...
  19. high|hgih

    horrific 25i spider trip! help!!

    What would you do for a klondike bar?