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  1. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Home made cfl reflector

    I'm with WeeGog - fcuk growing weed - lets all get pissed & do the fucking screws!! Lol! But seriously Mr France - very nice idea for anyone on a budget. And i'd also add that off-cuts of Mylar would work as good as foil, or failing that just paint it with Brilliant Matt White Paint. Nice one...
  2. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Has anybody grown with just a cfl 125w duel spec lamp? n gt a decent amount out of it

    Lol! I think u'll get more than an 8th off any plant grown under 125W, tho to be fair we ain't talking about sick poundage either!! And sadly the boxes have lied to us - they aren't anywhere near a 400W HPS! (Bastards!!) Obviously guessing what amount a particular light will give u is totally...
  3. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    How far away from harvest am I? Pics Inc

    I'd agree with most people on here who aren't typing in oversized, coloured fonts. From when u first posted the pics, i'd say another 3 weeks would be good & yeah, i'd say feed for another 1 week & then just use plain water for final 2 weeks. And to answer u about does it still grow without u...
  4. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Lots of little bulbs, lots of little plants, and lots of little budds

    Hey Hettyman - great thread with cool pics & details! I love ur idea of a constantly rotating harvest - 1 quick question; do u always use clones to do this with or do u ever grow from seed?? If u do grow from seed, how do u overcome different pop-up times or some seedlings growing quicker than...
  5. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!

    Firstly, i'm sorry to see that 2 of them hermie'd on u - hopefully the other 6 will stay feminine & sexy for u! I got 2 Blueberrys going at moment & 1 of them went hermie just after 12/12 switch. These were from bagseed so i kinda expected it but it is the 1st time i've ever had a hermie -...
  6. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Apartment Grow Setup

    I'd say u can set it up pretty easily dude - its no different to setting up a tent in any other residental property! If anything a high-rise apartment is often better - u haven't gotta worry about ground-floor/pavement level smell leakage and also the wind at 10 stories will be alot stronger so...
  7. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Small White Things in Run-Off Saucer

    Oh - and i just noticed the RHS link still in it, so dunno if this is a problem or not, but my apologies in advance to any mods if it is.
  8. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Small White Things in Run-Off Saucer

    Just wanted to say cheers again Hugo & also to give anyone else abit of info for if they see the same thing. I reckon u were spot-on & from further research i'm pretty certain they are indeed Springtails in my run-off saucer. Seems like they aren't too harmful & don't grow in numbers too fast...
  9. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Small White Things in Run-Off Saucer

    Nice one Hugo - thanks for the reply dude. Certainly their flicky/jumpy/jerky movements makes me think they can't be the usual aphids, worms, maggots or beetles, etc. I'll look Springtails up properly to get some more confirmation - cheers again man!
  10. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Sharksbreath or northern lights?

    Ohhhh - good choice tho i would go with NL every time - i love the taste of it so much!! And tho i've never grown Sharksbreath, i'd put money on the fact that NL will probably stink alot less during flowering than SB would. (if that makes any difference anyway!)
  11. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Small White Things in Run-Off Saucer

    Just wondering if anyone could please give me any input on a few creepies i just found? I'm sorry to say i've not got pics as these things are near microscopic & my camera ain't that good sadly. Firstly, they only seem to be living in the run-off saucer/bowl that i have the pot standing in -...
  12. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    God dam it!!!!!!

    Shame to hear it dude - is always nasty when ur babies take some pain. Tho i would tend to agree with WelshSmoker - it is thankfully a weed & they will do their utmost not to die! I've had a 4 week old vegging plant fall off the top of a 6ft cupboard & despite loads of leaves being ripped &...
  13. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Busted :( The second you know its over :(

    Shit dude - am real sorry to read that man! Sounds like a fucking pain in the ass - i hope it gets fixed & back to normal soon for u. And glad to hear u got people trying help at home already - its having them there that means it sounds like u'll be alright to me man - u just gotta ride it out...
  14. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    Would this be too small?

    I too would agree that u should be fine tho i would more think about a shorter veg time just so u haven't got to wait so long maybe. I know u mentioned not doing scrog, which is fair enuff, but what about even just doing 4 plants on a 3 or 4 week veg?? I reckon they'd give near the same return...
  15. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    starting a new grow

    And just outta interest, from ur set-up pics i think it looks like u've made ur own carbon filter with the PC fans?? If so, can i ask how u did it as i wanna make some budget carbon filters/fan combo's myself soon. I'm guessing u've filled the plastic cups with activated carbon/charcoal and the...
  16. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    starting a new grow

    Yo dude - just wanted to quickly say i love the set-up & how u've constructed it all together - and i'm always pleased to see someone getting tasty results with good old CFL's too! I love my closet CFL grows too & is cool to see how nicely ur last plant came out (and on it surviving some crazy...
  17. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    EARWIGS?!?!?! help me please

    Yay! See, we have a winner! Well done Spits and well done to the internet too! Looks a real cool site dude though My Word are there some dirty fuckers on there! lol!
  18. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    1st time growing

    Thats cool then dude - again, just have a browse on here & online for weed growing guides, etc as plenty give good overviews of its life cycle (some will be basic, some very scientific but all will tell u something). I found that once u've viewed 6 or 7 different guides or grow videos, then u...
  19. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    1st time growing

    And now thats my rambling pep talk out the way...., the main tips i was gonna give was just make sure it get fresh air as much as poss, be consistent with ur light on/off times, don't overwater or over feed (give less if u ever unsure), make sure no light at all gets in during flowering dark...
  20. RedWhiteBlueGreen

    1st time growing

    To reassure u Jed, on a technical level it will work, since any plant will grow when given light, water, air & food. But the thing u have to appreciate is that that same technical level is a very wide spectrum and goes all the way from minimal supplying of needs resulting in small, weak, barely...