Search results

  1. D

    Lab Gear

    You do that.
  2. D

    Monotub Pics

    Not at the moment. I have to live vicariously through you bud.
  3. D

    Lab Gear

    No excuses!
  4. D

    Lab Gear

    Then do it.
  5. D

    Monotub Pics

    Basically 3 0zs from 1st flush aint bad for amount of sub. Good work.
  6. D

    Lab Gear

    You guys are nuts.
  7. D

    Lab Gear

    Yeah. Lab gear.
  8. D

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    I accept your thanks. Send me samples.
  9. D

    Lab Gear

    Now that's a plan.
  10. D

    Lab Gear

    I just go online. I also don't purchase everything at once. If you do need alot of items. You can try to have them sent to a different location in s9meone else' name.
  11. D

    Monotub Pics

    F'ing great job man!
  12. D

    dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1

    Thanks. Trim your nails.
  13. D

    Question about laying blotter paper

    C'mon. Everyone loves oral. The more you know.
  14. D

    Monotub Pics

    Growing your army I see.
  15. D

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    This "hobby" is a worth while investment. I have 2 pressure cookers purchased over a 4 year span cause of it. The 28 buck one, then the big ass one with the guage. I can still use em for years. Plus the extra science type stuff. You will enjoy it for sure.
  16. D

    Monotub Pics

    Nice pinning. I want to see a shroom forest. Pronto!
  17. D

    dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1

    Would you have to do a alot to feel any real effects?
  18. D

    dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1

    Why? Isn't it considered to be more of a supplement?
  19. D

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    Tote boxez are optional. Storage or fruiting. Still air box. They're only $7.
  20. D

    Bud grower / Shroom newbie.. Help!

    IMHO it would be easier to do it yourself...but, midwest grow kit aint bad. I would just get the $28 pressure cooker. Cleaning supplies. 2 $7 tote boxes (28 qt?). 12 pint size mason jars (wide mouth). Wild bird seed or popcorn. And buy either B+, golden teacher, Treasure Coast, or...