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  1. B

    Composition of a Perpetual Grow - Clones, Seedlings and Re-grows

    I was helping a guy design a perpetual grow set-up and mentioned I use clones, re-grows and seedlings to fill out my 2-plant-a-week perp grow. He had some questions so I wrote it for anyone who might be interested. As I have refined my grow over the years I find my composition breaks down...
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    Planting Seed Above Dirt?

    I've been doing this for a long time and I use the same method myself after extensive research. My notes showed me that most of the fatalities I had while germinating was when the sprout was unable to push through the top layer of dirt to reach the light. I started pressing firmly the dirt...
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    Question about clones

    Buy a new dome + top combo for $5-6 at any grow store. You must be able to keep the inside of the dome as close to 100% as possible. If I check my domes and don't see condensation inside the domes I know I have a problem. Got to have that high humidity to spur root growth, eh? Also, a seed mat...
  4. B

    How high to keep MH under Clone ome

    If you are using a clone dome for actually trying to root clones you don't need a bulb anywhere near as strong as 400W. Remember, a 400W MH bulb runs hotter and generates more heat than a 400W HPS bulb. That's the first mistake. Second is thinking you need so much wattage. My clone room...
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    How do you EXHAUST WARM air in the WINTER????

    Heat rises, so you need a 20-inch box fan sitting on the floor in the doorway. Flip the fan around so that the cooler air is being sucked into the room. This will force the warmer air towards the ceiling to exit out the top of the doorway. Works for me in my perpetual grow flowering room every...
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    Transplanting a cloneclone

    "The roots are pretty dang long right now should I keep it in a 5 gallon bucket or move to bigger pot" General rule is that one gallon of dirt will provide for a plant for one month. That's why I rarely use anything larger than 3 gallons and finish a lot of plants in mini-pots that are 7 inches...
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    12/12 fs then re-veg?

    ".how long for a 12/12 fs that showed sex? How long to reveg" Once a plant has actually started flowering at 12/12 it takes a while for the vegging process to kick in. I'm thinking you should start to see new vegetation after 10-14 days. That's my best guess. Good luck, BigSteve.
  8. B

    12/12 fs then re-veg?

    Takes around 7 days for a vegged plant to start flowering after going 12/12. BigSteve.
  9. B

    drying in grow tent

    You can, but it will result in a lot more work. As soon as a branch is removed from the plant the buds and sugar leaves will immediately start to curl up. Curling makes it harder to properly trim the buds. I suggest trimming as soon as the branch is removed. Otherwise you will spend a lot more...
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    pump help needed

    Put a dish towel or other thin towel between the pot and the saucer. The overflow will wick into the towel and then evaporate. No harm, no foul. Good luck, BigSteve.
  11. B

    should I transplant

    "How much you yielding per plant?" I cure 30-35 grams per plant with most strains. My Blueberry Gum strain averages about 50 g./per. If this seems light to you it is because over the years I have decided to emphasize quality over quantity. I could grow larger yielding plants but prefer a lot of...
  12. B

    Transplanting a cloneclone

    The sooner you transplant the scrawnier the plant will be. You need more undergrowth between the first nodes and the crown. I would top her today and leave her in that pot another 2 weeks. You will get a shorter and bushier plant with topping asap. Good luck, BigSteve.
  13. B

    should I transplant

    A general rule is that you need one gallon of pot size for each month you plan on keeping the plant in that pot. I grow hot and fast - means 4 weeks vegging and 7 weeks flowering. So I rarely use a pot larger than 2 1/2 to 3 gallons. Starting a mother plant is one time I'll use a 5 gallon pot or...
  14. B

    does cold water hurt plants?

    "Aerating would take care of this problem for you." Good answer! If you are using water that has been sitting all you need to do is shake up the jug for a minute. Also, I learned a long time ago that you can make water wetter, stay with me here, by putting a drop of Dawn dish detergent in every...
  15. B

    does cold water hurt plants?

    " just wondering how you explain how so many people love rainwater..." People are hooked on anything that appears "natural". Problem is that natural doesn't mean pure. There are times when the rainfall in the northeast is extremely acidic. Using that rainwater untreated would not be good for...
  16. B

    What kind of scopes are you guy using?

    Most people have trouble using those cheap 30X lightscopes. Reason is that to magnify so much the viewing field must be very small. It is difficult to hold the 'scope steady enough to get a good look at tri maturity levels. Here's the answer - If you are right-handed put a small piece of sugar...
  17. B

    Suggest method for my space

    I hear some have done it, but running a perpetual grow out of just one room is tough. Vegging plants need 18-24 hours of light daily and flowering plants get 12 hours. So if you stick to one room you will have alarm clocks and blankets hanging all over the place. Other things to consider from a...
  18. B

    seedling still has seed casing

    Being unable to cast off the seedcap kills a lot of seedlings. Take 2 toothpicks and gently pry off the cap. I have a block of Styrofoam I place next to the sprout to support it while I use a toothpick to lever off the cap. If left alone the small leaves will turn black and die. This has been...
  19. B

    How pot size and veg time impacts the yield

    Your question then is how to increase yield by 50% by adjusting pot size and veg times. An increase in veg times will give you a larger yield at harvest. But you can better those results by timely topping/FIMing. Lopping off the top of the plant will do more to improve yield. Best bet is do both...
  20. B

    I need a suggestion for a nice scrog grow strain.

    " I would be using a 48x24x60 tent with a 400 watt mh/hps light. So would that strain be good for my setup?" A 400W set-up is probably as bright as you want to be within a small tent like that. Try to set things up so you have as much headroom as possible. You want as much vertical room in the...