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  1. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    The guy flying up is about to have the same problem as the guy falling down. :D
  2. MisterBlah

    Nute help/suggestions please

    If you do a tiny tiny amount of searching, you'll find an entire thread about AN and why it's shit.
  3. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    :evil: It seems I missed a few parts to the Canna Aqua Flores products, which means I may have it wrong for other Canna products as well. This is very much a problem based on fertilizer labeling laws. And I know what I'm going to start doing tomorrow now, and that's start to lobby my state reps...
  4. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I'll have a second look at all the Canna products, so let me see if I missed something or not.
  5. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    You may be interested in this on nutrient management:
  6. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I understand that. And I think we can all agree that they will be about the same. That being said, when you start to analyze your argument and what it's implications are, you can come to a different conclusion. Here you say to use the UF blend and not spend any time on anything else. The...
  7. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    Yes and Yes. Just about every fertilizer has two components. A cation and an anion. So, for example, calcium nitrate. Calcium is the cation, nitrate the anion. There are others such as monopotassium phosphate or magnesium sulfate or ammonium sulfate plus many many more.
  8. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    The argument you two have going is, in the grand scheme of things, completely worthless. You're essentially both arguing about what blend to use. Both of you use conventional fertilizers. Since there aren't very many blends that are available to be used with individual ingredients, why...
  9. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I appreciate you for self-policing here. Thank you.
  10. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    Literally the entire cannabis industry is made harder than it needs to be. Their fucking plants. You stick them in the ground and they grow. You add fertilizer and they grow bigger. So many people spend too much time on the technical side of things they forget about the whole "working hard" side...
  11. MisterBlah

    Nute help/suggestions please

    They will say on the box, how to apply them to soil. For the blood meals, it's 1/4 cup per cubic foot for new planting and then there's additions you can do after that. It's pretty straightforward how much to add.
  12. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    What lineup? I'll take a closer look or look over it again, if you'd like.
  13. MisterBlah

    Nute help/suggestions please

    The blood meal and the kelp meal will probably serve you best. Some blood meals are water soluble, so it's something to consider.
  14. MisterBlah

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    Yes it would be. In fact, it looks to be the exact product I based it on.
  15. MisterBlah

    Nute help/suggestions please

    So, bone meals, blood meals, kelp meals, etc. can all benefit. During the veg stage it is important to be high in nitrogen as that is what promotes growth. So, you'll want to look for higher nitrogen organic meals to help you there. Before you buy them though, I'd ask yourself if you want...
  16. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    Is this what every thread here turns into? A pissing contest? FFS guys. Get over yourselves. No one of us is better than anyone else.
  17. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    I know there aren't any labs in Colorado yet(AFAIK) that will do tissue sampling with cannabis, but once that happens, I would consider doing it. I'm always a proponent of more data and it should help you improve your product as well. I know you and a lot of others read the plant on the outside...
  18. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    Thank you. :) I appreciate it.
  19. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    I was not aware of that. So, thank you for sharing.
  20. MisterBlah

    NPK changes from Calmag

    It looks like a fine healthy plant to me. Out of curiosity, have you ever gotten a lab test done on your growing media?