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  1. CSI Stickyicky

    Help w/ Mg issue

    If you are using RO water, add some cal mag to your water.
  2. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    I live in the midwest, farm country, and i have heard that it's possible that i'm getting agricultural chemicals in my rainwater, but i figure i gotta use something, and it's either that, or use tap water. The problem with tap water is that i have to put it in a bucket with an airstone for a...
  3. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    For now, i foliar fed with epsom salt and water, and i will add Botanicare's Cal-Mg Plus next watering. In the future, i will use fertilizer or compost tea as needed.
  4. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    The reason i have a def is because i am using a really small container, and i didn't fertilize with anything, so it's just simply used up what's in the soil. All of the plants that i tried flowering in one gallon pots (an experiment) developed a mag and a phos def right as it went into...
  5. CSI Stickyicky


    Da Bears!!!!
  6. CSI Stickyicky

    Spit or Swallow

    My girlfriend is a neither, but there was a phase where she would keep licking, but pull it out of her mouth, and intentionally try to aim it at my face. She thought it was funny.
  7. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    Yea, i really need to get a good ph meter.
  8. CSI Stickyicky

    50$ light budget sugestions?

    Man, you could have made tons of money on craigslist, too. People would pay for used lights, even if they were just using them in their barn or garage.
  9. CSI Stickyicky

    supercloset opinion / review?

    I made my own based off their design, and mine works fabulously, so i assume theirs works just as well, if not better. That being said, DO IT! Whether you buy theirs or build your own, you will not be disappointed. It's so stealthy, and it works. I also like that it is a VERY easy to control...
  10. CSI Stickyicky

    50$ light budget sugestions?

    Score!!! Sweet deal.
  11. CSI Stickyicky

    when to jar???

    I prefer to let them hang an extra few days. Way less likely to get the dreaded hay smell.
  12. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    I don't use RO water, but i use rainwater, which i would think would have less mineral content than ground water/tap water. I plan to try my hand at hydro next year, starting with some tomatoes, and once i do, i will invest in meters so i can tell my water's PPM. For now, i just use my aerated...
  13. CSI Stickyicky

    50$ light budget sugestions?

    For $50, you are stuck with CFLs, and not even the good 100W+ bulbs, the cheapo 65W bulbs. If you can add $20 to your light budget, you can get a 150W HPS from HTG Supply. A 150W wont grow super dense nugs, but it will grow them, and it's leaps and bounds above CFLs. And it doesn't get as hot as...
  14. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    I was actually considering using the hot water for the mineral content! I think they are both used heavily in fruiting/flowering plants. If you have too much calcium, it can lock out the magnesium, so i like the idea of using a cal mag formula where there is no guesswork. That's why i'm hoping...
  15. CSI Stickyicky

    under current how many is to many?

    a 12 site would work, but if you want to do different strains, either get strains that have similar needs, or separate them into 2 systems. You could do 6 of each, or you could do an 8 site mono-culture undercurrent RDWC and then 4 individual DWC buckets with individual strains, or something...
  16. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    Hows aboot some more opinions, eh?
  17. CSI Stickyicky

    You don't want to admit it, but...

    The GOP would never support Ron Paul because he is not a puppet like Romney. The GOP wants power, not what's best for America.
  18. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    Yea that one is one that i am considering. They sell it my local shop, and i prefer organic.
  19. CSI Stickyicky

    Your Preferred Calcium/Magnesium Sources

    I have a severe magnesium def and a calcium def too. What's your preferred brand of CAL MAG? Do you prefer to mix soil amendments containing calcium and magnesium in with your soil to begin with? If so, what do you use and what are your results? Thanks in advance for your replies. :weed:
  20. CSI Stickyicky

    Spider mites ending my growing career

    Spider mites suck. I have felt the way you feel before. Fuck spider mites HARD! I haven't gotten them in years and i think it's because of a few extra precautions i always take: 1: ALWAYS wash your hands before working in your garden, up to the elbow. 2: Change your shirt before working in your...