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  1. ethabhae

    Is that nute burn?

    Can you identity these problem, thanks
  2. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    you all examine this link for getting real information about.
  3. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    36.9 - And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see. you are one of them doer, in spite of we explain u cant understand what was happened and what is happening...
  4. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    they go haywire because of the brutality, u cannot understand them cos this did not happen to you... dont you see the pictures of rape that unclebuck posts them? everybody knows these. ask that to your google uncle.
  5. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    @Doer, if dozens of soldiers rape your sis and mom what do you do? can u understand them wtf?
  6. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    i did not say ISIL does the right thing. USA government is the most dangerous and brutal killer in the world. they lets israil to killing people. dont you heard sabra and shatilla? USA's savageness cannot be compared with others... can you read me? 7.179 - Many are the Jinns and men we have...
  7. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    do you know how many people were killed by USA in Iraq ? and how many illegitimate child born after the war? these are reactions of those cruelty.
  8. ethabhae

    Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

    you dont read the Quran with heartiness. dont take a word, if you want to understand, read complete of the sura. 2.190 - Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. 2.191 - And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn...
  9. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    i wont waste them, thanks for your suggestion dude
  10. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    main cola of first plant second plants main cola
  11. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    wait until the soil completely dry, i am waitin 5 days for 1 liter water. u can also start a thread. this is my opinion.
  12. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    i switched my lamb to 12/12 2 weeks ago and î have large vent hole. Î pruned them today. Now ventilation is more successful than before. Î ll send some pictures now
  13. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    i think overwater or underwater
  14. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    Does pistils have any thc?
  15. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    If î smoke tat, can î get high?
  16. ethabhae

    are these trichromes sick?

    sorry they are pistils.. when are my trichromes formed? this is 15th day of flowering..
  17. ethabhae

    hmm i like bending on limited grow area

    girls are bended again and trimmed
  18. ethabhae

    Poly's Per.Vert. room

    omg i have never seen this pistils like...
  19. ethabhae of flowering

    can you look at these pictures, is that normal growth rate in 10th day of flowering? LST and pruned npk 10 30 23 1000ppm 83 F in day 70 F in night 35-40% humid first plant second plant
  20. ethabhae

    which way of gettin calcium do you advice?

    20-20-20 is not an organic fert. Î have all Ca in it. În my place hard to find any of these supplements. Î ll try the solutions that î made to different plants. You will be informed results of the experiment..