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  1. 70's natureboy

    First time grower: possible Nute burn, high EC/PPM. How to treat?

    That's one of the biggest benefits of DWC. When you screw up you just mix another bucket. Most people grow between 1 - 1.5 EC. Your high EC experiment looks to be challenging. Post your results if it works out.
  2. 70's natureboy

    Is this light stress / heat stress? Or maybe too much IR using 730nm red leds

    They look weak to me, like they need more light.
  3. 70's natureboy

    Best ph meter for hydro under $30

    They are all the same, they just display a number but not necessarily the right number.
  4. 70's natureboy

    6week strain

    TM? Not very creative Now Freeseland/Freezeland, that's pretty creative.
  5. 70's natureboy

    Humidity Problems

    A HEPA filter will catch a lot of mold spores. It seems to have helped my mold issues; still on first grow with it.
  6. 70's natureboy

    Super stinky Roadkill Skunk?

    I always said the pot smoking public was going to lower their standards and be ecstatic about smoking cheap mid grade fruity weed. It must be easy money selling to such rubes.
  7. 70's natureboy

    Super stinky Roadkill Skunk?

    Dam these threads piss me off. I had RKS 10 years ago but under a different name. My house and clothes smelled like skunk. Everywhere I went old ladies would start looking around and say "I smell a skunk". My gf used to get in trouble at work because her coat smelled like a skunk. She had...
  8. 70's natureboy

    East Coast Sour Diesel-Greenthumb Seeds by Dr Gruber

    Do you miss growing this ECSD yet? I can't find anything to top it.
  9. 70's natureboy

    Nasty precipitation

    No I am DWC but Dynagro leaves a very clean res and GH stains things.
  10. 70's natureboy

    AK Bean Brains

    Those plants all look so perfect. How many times have those last 2 plants been fed? I'm looking to pick up some tips, thanks.
  11. 70's natureboy

    Nasty precipitation

    It has to leave some trace behind. If you want clean you should try Dynagro
  12. 70's natureboy

    Key Lime Chem journal

    I can't stop looking at those fat frosty buds. I might just try some of that................or maybe after the smoke report.
  13. 70's natureboy

    Plant looks diseased

    That's a tough plant, it's taking the abuse pretty well actually.
  14. 70's natureboy

    Please help, yellowing during flower...

    I would worry about the top of the plants. They are getting too much of something
  15. 70's natureboy

    Freedom 35 greenthumb s seeds

    I just heard about it myself a couple days ago..I also heard that is what was used to breed the original Mother of Berry. It's a very fast flowering plant I guess. I'm very tempted to try them outside this year.
  16. 70's natureboy

    Stinkiest nastiest foulest strains you've ever grown?

    I'm glad I never got an seeds that smelled like bad breath or rotten garbage or sweaty socks. I go for the pleasant smells or skunky fuely smells. I did have a white widow once that smelled like cat piss; couldn't keep that one. I just got done some Mendocino Madness. I didn't think the...
  17. 70's natureboy

    Key Lime Chem journal

    Man those are pretty plants. I would keep up the slow drying like you are doing. I think the red stems and dying leaves are holding them back some. If you ever get the nutes sorted out or if they were in DWC they would explode in size.
  18. 70's natureboy

    Is this foxtailing & is it a bad thing??

    We just call them chunky buds. I have no idea why some people don't like them. Much better than fluffy hairy buds imo.
  19. 70's natureboy

    "Jesus Certainly Existed" Three Reasons To Be Skeptical

    Because romans don't like Jews and didn't want to follow a Jewish teacher.