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  1. 8


    probably teaming up with mass medical for his next one...:lol:
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    bodhi seeds

    any word on which new strains are dropping?
  3. 8

    bodhi seeds

    Thanks, I was trying to think of a subtle way to correct my original post ;). I grabbed some Cosmic Serpent, Dread Bread, and some more DLA6, and a bunch of Soul Mate freebies.
  4. 8

    bodhi seeds

    Woops, my bad. I thought there was a b1g1 for the summer sale, maybe it was just for yesterday. Sorry about that.
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    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    what's in the mass medi pack?
  6. 8

    bodhi seeds

    GLG is running a BOGO on Bodhi gear right now, I just came out of the woodwork to snag a few packs yesterday ;) Also had great luck with JBC on many occasions. JBC is lightning fast, but GLG has some freebies that shouldn't be missed.
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    bodhi seeds

    Here's something Bodhi related: My last homegrown nug. This is the last of the Dream Lotus that I was able to save this spring when I found myself unexpectedly relocating. Silver linings: February ended up being a fantastic time to unexpectedly relocate out of Seattle. I was initially...
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    bodhi seeds

    Timing is just not my thing lately...first time in 2 weeks i've been able to bring myself to read through the Bodhi thread, find out there's a new drop TODAY, and it's got the tk x iraq that i've been hoping gets released. Aaaaaaaand it's already out of stock everywhere. :wall: Hopefully...
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    bodhi seeds

    Last update for a while, some crazy bullshit happened and my whole garden is in the compost. The 3 Dream Lotuses I had going were close enough to harvest that I didn't lose anything, but I had to chop in a hurry and nothing was dried right and probably will just get turned into edibles. I...
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    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    The Moon Cycles were off to a great start, but a lot of bullshit happened and I don't have a garden anymore :( This will be one of the first packs I open back up when I get back up and running again. Thanks to all of you for your help, knowledge, and support, I'd never have made it this far...
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    AK Bean Brains

    Yep, he used ak's tknl5haze to bx the cough cut (which is nl5haze), but i didn't put it together until I was listening to the podcast. I popped 2 and they're actually not growing well, but it's cold and nothing's happy right now. I'm saving the rest of the pack for spring. But now I think I'm...
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    AK Bean Brains

    Blew my mind when he talked about sending some to prof p to breed with his cough cut and i realized i just bought a pack of those beans o_O
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    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    4/4 Moon Cycles above ground and doing well.
  14. 8

    Real GG#4???

    This is just barely relevant, but I've been growing out a GG4 bagseed I came across recently and it seems more similar to what you guys have been posting and describing than what I would have expected. Downright viney and the leaves have a slight pinwheel to them (to me at least) Anyway, not...
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    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Has anybody grown out Moon Cycles? Just popped a couple for the first full moon of the year.
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    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Damn, was hoping more of those were coming down the pipeline :( Thanks for the info :)
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    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Is the Iraqi Bubba a tester?
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    Useful Seeds

    Bag of Oranges got repotted today at about a month old
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    bodhi seeds

    Dream Lotus 40 days since flip.