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  1. IGTHY

    Newbie question on seedling.. In bad need of help

    She'll be fine, it's a weed!
  2. IGTHY

    nutrients? need help...

    Read the label.
  3. IGTHY

    rasberry extract in 20 oz. water 3-4 hrs. before harvest???

    You can't put things in your soil and expect the plant to "taste" like whatever you use. I mean if that's the case then May J would really taste like crap if the plant absorbed everything from the soil for taste...Yuk!!
  4. IGTHY

    13 light 11 dark

    You have a male around?
  5. IGTHY

    check these out, male, female?

    It got nuts!
  6. IGTHY

    nutrients? need help...

    Only use the Nitrogen when she is at least a month old or has five sets of nodes.
  7. IGTHY

    harvesting dilemma

    When you harvest her;trim,cut her right away and cut the stems so that you can put them in brown bags or shoe boxes.
  8. IGTHY

    nutrients? need help...

    When she flowers;use a High Phosphorus plant food or Bloom Fert.
  9. IGTHY

    nutrients? need help...

    You start with high Nitrogen fert or you can use an All Purpose Fert (20-20-20). W
  10. IGTHY

    Buds Turning Purple

    what type of head high do you want? Always harvest by trichs.bongsmilie
  11. IGTHY

    how do they look

    I know what you mean.
  12. IGTHY

    Male Plant Question

    It's a Herman.
  13. IGTHY

    Help! Please! (pictures)

    Keep some posts up or do a journal.
  14. IGTHY

    When did plants start flowering this year?

    I live in Cali and all mine are outdoors, also they are in flower as off July.
  15. IGTHY

    how do they look

    Looking good! Don't you love growing outdoors?
  16. IGTHY

    Male Plant Question

    No,not unless it's a Hermie.
  17. IGTHY

    Help! Please! (pictures)

    The warmer is just to make it humid under there combined with the water. If you're using the doom I would keep water in it or turn it off if not in use. It looks nice.
  18. IGTHY

    Plants havten grown?

    Genetics, let the grow.
  19. IGTHY

    is it flower time?

    Looking good!! Maybe,but look;why not just veg about another month (if indoors) under 18/6 and veg another month? I know then you'll definitely will be at an ounce plus.
  20. IGTHY

    Is she healthy?

    They look NICE!! The yellowing or lime green is the plant is using the stored energy from day before to build. You usually see that on the plant when you turn your lights on or in the morning time for outdoors.