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  1. M

    but per light?

    by adding lights you add more plants thus increasing your yield... i dont see how thats unclear...
  2. M

    Best 5x10 tent for the money?

    Apollo tents are really good 10x5 for like 250 can't beat it. Look at review videos people love em.
  3. M

    Want Gavita Pro 1000

    Also save yourself some trouble and get a mini split and go bare bulb if your going sealed route. Goods seem to have lots of air leaks. Cool tube might work better. And dual hose ac's suck up co2 as well.
  4. M

    Want Gavita Pro 1000

    I used an 8 x 12 room with 4k lights the rest of the room is for being able to move around. The dehumidifier, fan, ac, and I cook my soil in there in the winter time. I would use half the room like 4 or 5 feet of the width the line the lights up end to end with a small space between them to...
  5. M

    but per light?

    Also there is nothing wrong with Temps at 90 for co2 for those saying they don't go above 80
  6. M

    but per light?

    That's more reason to add lights if this is his lively hood and not a hobby. If adding lights is going to increase his profits in the short term then he should do it.
  7. M

    HVAC TECHS - On a quest for the correct mini split

    i thought it was funny the aura 24k was 1800 dollars but after i purchased it the next day it was 2250 dollars.
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    HVAC TECHS - On a quest for the correct mini split

    yeh im going to go parazontal if the unit i got works well. right now im running a 14000 btu dual hose but im losing co2 like no ones business having to run air through my hoods also. im just running 3600 watts of light right now in my flower room. im adding a 5x10 tent and moving my dual...
  9. M

    Sealed room cooling question

    not sure wouldnt that pump humidity into the air like crazy. like putting a swamp cooler in the room? oh thats just used to cool the lights. well if you vent your lights you better have cool tubes because im finding most hoods have air leaks.
  10. M

    HVAC TECHS - On a quest for the correct mini split

    i also just paid 1800 for a quick connect 24k btu then the price went up by 450 dollars the day after i bought it. it was the aura 24k btu diy one. still waiting on the unit to arrive for my sealed room.
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    HVAC TECHS - On a quest for the correct mini split

    your going to need like a 4 ton mini split for 8000 watts in lights to be really efficient. atleast 3 tons at the least. im afraid your going to need to up your budget if you want to cool that room in the summer time. the usual guidline is like 4000 btu for every 1k watts of light, so by that...
  12. M

    NiRvAnA SeeD ReViEwS!!!!!!!!!

    Northern lights auto..nirvana said they didn't care because they got them in bulk which is to be expected when dealing with 3rd parties
  13. M

    Drooping leaves, slight clawing...Noob in need of help. :)

    Light changes can confuse a plant sometimes. They will get used to it. Probably will be thriving in a week.
  14. M

    Drooping leaves, slight clawing...Noob in need of help. :)

    also as long as its growing i would not worry too much it might perk up. just keep an eye out for discoloration or no root growth and plant growth. for young plants you could move the light up a little more. but ive seen many say they keep theirs at 6 inches no problem.
  15. M

    Drooping leaves, slight clawing...Noob in need of help. :)

    oh just curious. when its cold outside my place my plants get droopy even when i keep temps and humidity up in the grow room.
  16. M

    NiRvAnA SeeD ReViEwS!!!!!!!!!

    attitude has old stock from them on the last strain i ordered from nirvana. so id def go to the source. only 50% germ'd.
  17. M

    Drooping leaves, slight clawing...Noob in need of help. :)

    is it really cold outside your house?
  18. M

    Lookin at Apollo Horticulture, need reviews from you guys

    I use their mh bulbs and eye horti lux hps bulbs. I never had any problems with the hps except one shattered during operation but it was quickly replaced by the company
  19. M

    Sealed room cooling question

    And I'm assuming after it spits out whatever connect the hose to the larger one before opening valve?
  20. M

    Sealed room cooling question

    So the small one will cleanse both lines?