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  1. J

    Is this a good light to use

    Hi all so my plant is still under the led light which is on 24 hours when do I need to switch to the other light and when should I put it on a cycle
  2. J

    Is this a good light to use

    I could fix the whole but if I run the duct in the attic the heat up there will be even hotter as it’s 25 degrees outside really hot in the attic and nope ac has made it drop about 2 deegrees
  3. J

    Is this a good light to use

    Nope it’s not helping it’s still 31 since I took it out of the tent and put it at end of duct
  4. J

    Grow room to hot not sure what to do

    Shocking really as the fans coat me 80 pound each would have thought they would be good fans what fans do you recommend ?
  5. J

    Is this a good light to use

    I’m thinking of just selling the lot now to be honest I can’t bring that temp down very frustrating Iv run out of ideas
  6. J

    Would this air conditioner solve my heat problems

    My tent is in a spare room the window is always open so is the door the cool air coming in is right by the window and the hot air going out is right by the door pointing out
  7. J

    Is this a good light to use

    I have just took the thermostat out of the tent and put it by the duct from the filter to see what the temp is there although the air feels pretty cool that’s coming out Iv also just gone and bought an air conditioner and put that in there
  8. J

    Is this a good light to use

    But would I not have the same problem with loads of heat coming from this light mate ?
  9. J

    Is this a good light to use

    I would just like to thank you all for your help must be frustrating trying to help out a newbie with no idea lol
  10. J

    Is this a good light to use

    The ballast I have is not dimmerable but I didn’t think this mattered because I was told that at some point it’s going to need full power anyway
  11. J

    Is this a good light to use This is the kit I got then I got another fan yesterday
  12. J

    Is this a good light to use

    I did think that the temperature was giving a false reeding as it doesn’t feel anything like 35 degrees in there
  13. J

    Would this air conditioner solve my heat problems

    Would this air conditioner solve my heat problems my tent is currently on 35 degrees
  14. J

    Is this a good light to use

    What do you mean what do you mean by put both fans exhausting does that mean put both fans taking air out of so the only way I have air coming out is through the filter
  15. J

    Is this a good light to use

    Outside is 24 degrees I’m not sure what my house is probably around the same do you think if I buy that air conditioner that I put a picture of in my last post will solve the issue ?
  16. J

    Is this a good light to use

    That’s a great idea I didn’t think of that two fans on the filter I’ll try that thanks !! Iv also seem this for sale maybe this will solve the problem
  17. J

    Is this a good light to use

    That hasn’t changed anything temp in the tent is already 32 degrees
  18. J

    Is this a good light to use

    So I have just set it up like this with the cool good got my intake blowing on the bulb unfortunately I can’t take the bend out of the duct for the extraction fan as that is the only place I can have it what do you guys think ?
  19. J

    Is this a good set up

    The only problem is I don’t really know what I’m buying that’s why I want to buy as a complete set up but I will have a look and see thankyou !