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  1. ALX420

    Bump If You're Baked!

    High everybody. i think the bump is implied in the animation. i bump rush.
  2. ALX420

    Great Stoner Quotes

    "i wonder if i can flex every muscle in my body."
  3. ALX420

    Damn Taco Bell!

    dextro is bad. me and my buddies still have holes in our stomach and we havent done it since high school. it's fun and wild, but dont make a habit of it.
  4. ALX420

    Cool picture thread

    hahahahaha bitch....
  5. ALX420

    First Out Door Grow! Help Please

    hey man. i've been good. smokin and schoolin. helpin newbs. you know the drill.
  6. ALX420

    Damn Taco Bell!

    my buddy used to sell weed out of a taco bell drive thru. with napkins and hot sauce.
  7. ALX420


    it helps a lot. sounds great.
  8. ALX420

    Cool picture thread

    my gallery is in my sig.
  9. ALX420

    Cool picture thread

  10. ALX420

    Cool picture thread

  11. ALX420

    Cool picture thread

  12. ALX420


    the soil looks great. looks like it could be a lil more aerated. pearlite works well. kinda late now. but next time. try and till the soil a lil if you are reallly worried about aeration. with caution of course.
  13. ALX420

    First Out Door Grow! Help Please

    a $20 bill isnt a 4+ foot ganja plant. careful. the holes are a good size.
  14. ALX420

    best strain of smoke

    super purple o.g orange grandaddy master kush. work in progress.
  15. ALX420


    your soil is fine. just water and sun. keep em green. looks great right now.
  16. ALX420

    ionic breeze???

    constant moving air helps keep odor down best. i dont use any filters. just fans and good ventilation. so,yes, the ionic breeze would reduce smell in my opinion.
  17. ALX420

    can it get me high??

    it will get you high, but yield and potency will be low. and 3+2.5 weeks only equals 5.5weeks. most plants take at least 8 to finish completely. got any pics?
  18. ALX420

    Who are you? a/s/l

    2040/m/ bethlehem.
  19. ALX420

    Great Stoner Quotes

    how, high are you?
  20. ALX420

    Cloning a Leaf??

    beautiful. thanks for asking. i took 3 clones yesterday. bubba kush. hows oz? just as beautiful i am sure.