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  1. ounevinsmoke

    is this a new technique?

    it wont necessarily kill all your bennies but more than likely the ecosystem of your soil will be out of balance. Like I said before if your going to do sterile just do hydro.
  2. ounevinsmoke

    is this a new technique?

    If your set on using it thats on you. If your adding nutes to soil you already defeated the purpose of using soil.
  3. ounevinsmoke

    is this a new technique?

    1st problem with this is you are killing beneficial bacteria and any beneficial microorganisms (bugs). Bacteria and other organisms in the soil help break down nutrients. If your going to have it sterile why not just use something other than soil? True Hydro or some other media.
  4. ounevinsmoke

    White slime mold, Cloner questions

    click (dwc) at the top of this page you created this forum in. There you will see the proven way to cure slime and all the questions you are asking already answered from years ago...
  5. ounevinsmoke

    White Soil Mite?

    Thanks man, looked it up and its Hypoaspis Miles. Guess I will keep the lil buggers around;)
  6. ounevinsmoke

    White Soil Mite?

    Fresh ocean forest and roots organic from the hydro shop already contaminated... Any quick way to get rid of these I really don't have time to sit around cooking soil in the oven. I hate pest...
  7. ounevinsmoke

    Old seeds...

    Just found a sucrets box of seeds I used to save from fire bags back in 06. Yes, 06 haha...Dumped quite a few in a mason jar of water and only got two to crack... I'm excited but any idea how I might get more to crack? Either way this will be fun...
  8. ounevinsmoke

    Why is there still smell outside my apartment?

    if your humidity in the room is above sixty percent your fan wont work at all... its collecting moisture and clogging the filtration... I dont even exaust my 5x6x7 room with a 170cfm fan and 200cfm capable filter
  9. ounevinsmoke

    dwc not flowering 4 weeks into 12/12

    I had this problem once... Wrong bulbs in my flower fixture... Hope you figure it out. Good luck!
  10. ounevinsmoke

    How to support 4' trees in a DWC...

    yea you probably dont need those size of plants in the same res but.... fuck it I will share a secret of mine. shish kabob skewers. Dont have to be huge thick ones just the metal ones. Place directly through net pot under lid two per pot should due so that they cross and form an X will hold...
  11. ounevinsmoke

    I'm a believer

    you can get growth like that in soil... just takes longer.. but that looks great keep it going
  12. ounevinsmoke

    GH for years what else works...

    Im not looking for any of those goals actually. Just testing the waters to see what others use. My style is dialed in but I tweak every now and then for improvement. I'm all about quality not quantity. I like to see how my plants respond to different nutrients. I started testing once while in...
  13. ounevinsmoke

    GH for years what else works...

    appreciate the responses... keep them coming
  14. ounevinsmoke

    GH for years what else works...

    Not looking for a super potion... GH(3part) has been consistent for me, and my hydroponic grow style works well with it. Just wondering about some other lines that get great results. Feel free to pitch me whatever your using.. If you have details on why you use it specifically spill the beans...
  15. ounevinsmoke

    Organic nutes for DWC...

    you will be in for a rough ride. Make sure you read that heisenburg tea method before you start or I guarantee you will get slimed!
  16. ounevinsmoke

    I dont smoke ......... But I grow!!!!!

    Read my name.... Couple grow shops in the T so its all good
  17. ounevinsmoke

    General Hydroponics Question

    Read the Micro "ingredients" and see the difference between those and both the bloom and grow. Then figure out what kind of nutes you really need knowing that the micro portion of the GH formula is the most essential portion. If your plants have access to the nutes it needs faster because they...
  18. ounevinsmoke

    Media cleanse...(hydroton)

    I've recently noticed I have not been getting the full potential of my plants. I usually run individual power growers with no major issues but I have noticed my ladies never really drank much during flower(ppm never changed much). Experimenting with some different nutes I ultimately killed the...
  19. ounevinsmoke

    Anyone else have the shittiest luck with bag seeds?

    You could possibly be throwing away prime stock pollen from those males. You never know
  20. ounevinsmoke

    Are there Scientific Studies Marijuana=Bad?

    Too much of anything is bad for you...